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What level will NEW Death Knights be starting with now that the level cap has been lowered?

Any chance of dropping the faction restrictions sometime soon?

Is it possible that chronicle is inaccurate, incorrect, or misleading?

How are the death mechanics going to work while we are in the Shadowlands? It just seems weird to corpse run from a graveyard in the Shadowlands where eveything is all ready dead.


Lots of talk about fixing class designs but what about specs certain specs have struggled and continue to struggle. What will be done for specs that bring less. Almost nobody would choose a feral over a rogue.

Classes and specs. How far will it open back up? Will I have Army of the Dead as a blood tank again? Will Frost tanking be a thing again? All of our diseases?

Please fix feral snd not break it even more. :smirk_cat:

Will Mechagnomes and Vulpera be our last pair of allied races?

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Any news on the remaining Heritage Armors for Core Races? I need some sweet new voodoo themed gear to pair with the amazing new troll customization

Given the updated tech and design that goes into city building, Orgrimmar and Stormwind are looking dated compared to Boralus, Zuldazar and Suramar, is there any chance of seeing updated faction capital cities anytime soon?

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any chance we can get gladiator stance back?

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It was said that the dev team wants to bring back class identity over spec identity along with un-pruning of classes. Where does this leave Demon Hunters who only have two different specs of differing roles? Along with not having many abilities to un-prune but still feel hollow after losing their artifact weapon in legion.

Can we get a Bard class? A Bard profession? A Bard secondary profession along the lines of Archaelogy?

Any plans to update the rated Battleground system?

Will any features be implemented to deal with the current faction imbalances, especially in regards to Raiding?

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Hi there! Insanely hyped for the kyrian as a pally, my question is about further heritage armors in SL, as we’ve not seen anything else regarding them today, are they still planned for the remaining races going forward? And specifically in regards to humans could we get Llane Wrynns armor from the warcraft movie as a stormwind themed set as well as a Lordaeron themed set for those who like to rp being a living survivor from Lordaeron?

How will you keep covenant aesthetical rewards (mounts, mogs, cosmetics) from losing out to abilites that affect the gameplay of our characters?

Will it be an impractical choice to pick Maldraxxus as a tank becuse of the abilites the Bastion offers are more powerful? Will picking Bastion severally hamper my dmg compared to Ardenweald? Will I have to pick Revendreth despite not liking its rewards becuse it better allows the freedom to change specs with the least loss of performance all around?

How will our covenant choice not end up as just another math formula sim on Raid bots that discourages us from choosing freely to play our classes effectively?

How are old raids going to work with the level squish? Is Molten Core going to become a level 5 raid?

Seeing as both Legion and BFA will be old content in Shadowlands, will we see the rep requirement removed for Allied Races?

Grinding old expansions just to get the race they want to play will turn off many a returning/new player.

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The only thing I care about: will the players who don’t raid be able to compete on the m+ ladder with those that do?