If we choose to level our charaters through Legion in Shadowlands will we get artifact power and the artifact tree for our Artifact Weapons available to us or will it be like BFA where we only get to use the relics?
Will all the new customization options be available at the barbershop or are some appearances special, requiring a questline or reputation level to unlock them?
When will the Night Elf archer armor set be made available to players?
Will we see tier gear or set bonuses return in Shadowlands?
Is Pepe in The Maw? If not I ain’t going in there
What does character customization look like for druids? and is there any plan to unlink the artifact form appearances from the tmog system? I want to use one of my many other weapon appearances without losing my cool bear form.
There was expressed interest in adding more form customization back in legion yet all we’ve seen in bfa is for allied races, any chances we’ll see more bears/kitties? any different boomkin options?
Will we have class tier sets for the new raids in Shadowlands?
Will there be any additional content geared specifically for solo players at end game?
Will Druids get cool forms themed around the four Covenant options, since we’ll not be able to see the cool armors we unlock in combat?
Also… you guys spoiled us in Legion - we need more Druid forms!
Is anything being done in the new expansion to give OCE players a proper day/night cycle so that we don’t always play in darkness. This has been an ongoing issue since 2016 and Blizzard have remained silent on this.
For Shadowlands, will there be a chance to join multiple covenants or change your mind if you’ve chosen the wrong one, or are you stuck with the same one for the whole expansion?
A greatly enhanced degree of character customization has been announced and previewed! I’m very excited for this, as I’ve wanted this for a very long time now.
Will we see customization options for different body shapes included as part of these enhanced customization options? Have you ever considered or are you planning to add more body customization in the future? Things like making your character meek or hefty, slim or thick, more hippy or more shoulder-y, etc.
Will we get to customize worgen and human form separately?
With how difficult it can be to figure out the true power of rings currently in game without a third party source, will we see a return of main stat to rings? (and by an extension capes) Or set sockets on all rings?
I’d like to add to this as well; Is this the answer for Cross-Faction Play and will we need to be in the same covenant to “cross-faction” or is it just not a feature all together yet?
Vulpera when?
Can we please get updated skyboxes for all zones in Kalimdor, EK, and Northrend?
Are there any plans to change or revamp the Honor System for Shadowlands? Many players believe the rate of Honor gain doesn’t really match the amount required per level.
This right here. First question that hit me. How will this work?
2008 Wrath 70-80 took me 3 weeks of only questing.
2018 BfA 110-120 took me 3 days of only questing.
is there a chance of moving the leveling speed for New expansions back toward the time scale of Wrath?
…I mean, at least longer than roughly 20 hours in game time?
How was the Helm of Domination, the Lich King’s Crown, the binding for the veil between Azeroth and the Shadowlands? There must have been some veil between the two realms before the Burning Legion created it. It was a helm created simply to house the soul of Ner’zhul, an Orc Warlock, and yet it now somehow is the anchor for the divide between our world and Death’s?