Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

As the leader of an RP guild, the loss of guild controls when communities launched with BfA was a real problem for me, and many others in my position (“is officer” is simply not a useful rank). Could you provide any insight on whether we will be getting any tools to customize and control our guild rosters properly again, or if there will be a way to revert the changes? Thank you.


You said new character customizations for original races, does that exclude blood elves? I want a blue eyed blood elf!


So will there be the ability to choose your faction? I personally would love to play Alliance races but can’t because I play Horde with all my friends.


Disregarding the first raid (since tier sets aren’t usually introduced in the first raid of an expansion), will raid tier sets be making a comeback in the following raids in Shadowlands?

  1. Why wasn’t sylvanas removed THIS expansion?
  2. Flying from day 1, yes?
  3. What’s the new class?
  4. Are AP/re-earning abilities every expansion finally over? Please?
  5. Can crz/sharding be ended yet?
  6. You’re taking away all my hard earned levels? WTF I don’t want to see my level go down.

Will the origin of the San’layn/Blood Curse be explored in Shadowlands(since we saw the new vampire race), along with what they’ve been up to, and might we see customization for Blood Elves with links to the vampyr due to the expanded customization options (For example, fangs/claws/red eyes/bat-like ears)?


With the fourth war being over is there any chance we will be able to group up and play cooperatively with the opposite faction?


Sylvanas is my favourite character, will players have the choice to stay loyal to her in the next expansion?
Thanks :slight_smile:


Can we remove the very long time gating and grinding and have flying given back to us a max level or at least the first patch at max level? And can we remove pathfinder from the game for older xpacs finally?


Will we see improvements to the reputation system? Account-wide reputation? Significant increases in reputation from past expansions? Dungeon tabards for all reputations past and future? If Shadowlands is about choice/player agency, let us determine how we earn reputation.


Any plans Cross Faction Races and play? I want to play as a Void Elf as Horde.


I take the Azerite gear will be going away with Shadowlands. What can we expect to be the replacement of this, and could we see the return of tier sets?


/10 char

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Since we last heard from the Horde’s Stonemaul Clan Ogres in Cataclysm, can we get an update regarding what they’ve been up to and why they have not been active in helping the Horde against several world threats across multiple expansions and a huge war against the Alliance in Battle for Azeroth?


How is flying going to work 1-50? Will we be able to buy flying at lvl 1 and fly in the old zones or will it just be allowed where we have already earned pathfinder?


As Hallow’s End closes, my question is, can we please have some quality of life changes for world events? Can you make more of the event items (rings, wands, etc.) vendorable? Can we trade mounts to party members if we already have it?


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read my Covenant thread. This system has MASSIVE red flags on it.

Do not take every lesson you guys learned painfully from Legion and BFA to just repeat them by locking people into Covenants.

Please do not do this. We have two expansions of proof of how this story ends and it is always rage and unsubs.


What will be happening on Azeroth while we’re in the shadowlands? Will the scourge invasion continue or do we beat it first? If so, will the dangling plot threads of BFA continue to be explored? Such as the night elves/forsaken not having a home and so on.


With M+ being one of the main end-game content avenues, how do you plan to offset the removal of forging? Are Mythic raiders going to be the only players capable of accessing the highest ilvl gear in the game? If so, how do you plan to preserve the health of the M+ community?


Class design question, will we go back to class resource bars not feeling unlimited while leveling and doing end game content again? There’s a need for potions and other items while playing Classic and I think many enjoyed needing those items to play better.