Ashran and warlocks pvp ports

Yes, but to be fair Large Scale WOW PvP is severely lacking and needs to add things that should have been and HAVE been available to their competitors for YEARS now. Some folks like to be involved in Castle Storms, evolving 24/7 Pvp where you can take over Castles, supplies, etc. like ESO and GW2 RvRvR. Amazes me with the MONEY Blizz, Activision have they refuse to give it love. That is a big part of why I rotated or play the other two I listed. Large scale fun!

Unfortunately, Blizzard does not allocate much dev resources to PvP.

As it is, we barely get PvP balance changes and that’s just adjusting some numbers. Fixing a map is too much effort.

If you know you’re about to be ported into a box in ashran, it’s actually really simple. DONT MOVE after about 5 or 6 seconds, you will be ported back to where you were. you just can’t move or you will be stuck.

Is it an exploit or a smart use of an already existing Ashran mechanics? Lastly, a simple piece of paper counters this “being caged” in a box.

You can’t always scroll out. Npcs and enemy players can keep you stuck in combat - scrolls fail when used in combat. If you can’t get out of combat you had best hope you die or it will be a long imprisonment.

There’s so few locks that abuse it that it has not become a big issue.


Trapping players inside a wall so they can’t participate for the rest of the game is clearly not intended gameplay.

First, not everyone has that piece of paper. Second, as Deso pointed out, even if you have it, you might not be able to use it. Third, to get out, you have to teleport across the entire map. Even if you’re fortunate enough to not be permanently trapped inside a wall, you’re still removed from the battle for a long period of time.

It takes some mental gymnastics to believe that trapping players inside a wall is intended in any form of PvP.


I guess some Paly don’t like using their books?

Premades sync Ring of Frost, Static Field Totem or any other mass CC w/ Shadow Rift to port whole teams where they see fit. Usually under bridges, behind buildings or places where they know players will get stuck.

In general, the TWO second duration makes it very difficult to get out during a battle with all the mass spamming of slows .

Ultimately, that talent does not belong in PvP.


Yep. Blizz should actually enforce/fix the exploitive gameplay(ers) as a priority over “social behavior.” But one of the excuses given by players seems to be ‘it’s not rated so who cares.’


A quick way to die if the not moving and scroll tricks don’t work-- Set down a campfire and drink two of the Pinchwhistle Nitro Fuels.

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Doesn’t this have a cooldown? Been meaning to mess around with catharsis stacking but never tried cause I thought there was a cd
(The booze not the campfire)

No cooldown. You can drink those until your toon pukes.

If you get ported in to that box they keep aoe to keep you in combat, preventing a scroll use. I’ve been successful with using shadowmeld, then scroll out. Not sure if this works with other classes abilities to break combat, but does with shadowmeld.

Had this happen a few nights ago, had our team report the lock that was doing it, and he did get a timeout/ban so it is a reportable offense. not a clever use of mechanics