Ashran and warlocks pvp ports

On horde side of the map a warlock can teleport (alliance) players into a box that u cant escape, pls fix this


Wouldn’t the warlock be stuck in there too?

no no the lock wouldnt sadly its happened to me multiple ashrans lol its the worst only way u can get out is if u let horde kill you :sob: :skull:

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I didn’t even know this was a thing lol mm

always get a scroll of town portal from the dungeon under your teams keep at the start so you can port back to base if this happens


Scrolls are free and stack to max of 5. There is no reason or excuse to be without them.

i keep forgetting those r a thing :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :skull: :sob:

it’s a bug with the base of the tower. Horde as well can get teleported in that tower sans the warlock port. I, sadly, speak from experience :pouting_cat:
I joined an almost over bg with the alliance slaughtering us at the gate, didn’t bother getting scrolls. An evoker had to fly me out :joy_cat:

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So there’s a bugged area and warlocks can combo it with their portal?


Yup. If you are standing at the base of the tower for a few seconds, it glitches you into it.

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Reason #617 trashran sucks. :dracthyr_comfy_black:


Bump. Community said they were in one where this glitched the boss when they killed it and were ported and game didn’t end.

I was in that BG and that’s exactly what happened. We killed the Boss and the battle continued. We had to kill off the last 20 or so horde kills to finish the game.

So do 98% of players :stuck_out_tongue:


So I see this thread is from back in June yet I’m in a bg now in October and this is still happening. Stuck in a box now because of an exploiting Horde warlock with a dozen others.

Indie company, I know, but please fix this BS.

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This happened to me for the first time last night, I was warlock ported into this hellish cage with about nine of my comrades. My claustrophobia immediately kicked in and I started spamming spinning crane kick in a panic, but the cage is made from some sort of indestructible wood. After gathering my wits I tried using a town portal scroll, but alas, it did absolutely nothing, undoubtedly due to some fiendish enchantment. My final and greatest blunder was to then continue healing myself and my fellow prisoners, until I finally realized, too late, that death had been the answer all along.

Plz fix.

Wait… The teleport scroll didn’t work?!

Yeah it actually just didn’t do anything. Someone said try using it again, I’m not sure if they were speaking from experience and that it has a chance of working in the cage, or it was just a random suggestion. But it has a 1.5 minute cooldown and the game ended before I could give it another shot.

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Were you lock ported or sent to faction jail?

This happened to us last night also. First time encountering it and was baffled, luckily you can just gust of wind out of it.