Ashran and warlocks pvp ports

That’s odd because a few people recently mentioned this issue might have been fixed:

I wonder if it became unfixed.

Definitely not the faction jail. Its the wooden structure in the horde base kinda near the exit out to the bridge.

I think this would just be the natural effect of not moving after being ported by a lock, if you stand still it ports you back eventually. Definitely a solution if you realize not to move after the port, but if you do move you are doomed!

Stop jumping around when you’re healing!


I found out it was one of our people after the match and requested that they not ever do that again. I dealt with it immediately.


Good babysitting :+1:

While it’s not technically cheating (Shadow Rift is a legit ability, created/provided by the devs), when you take 30-50% of the enemy team “permanently out of the fight” by pushing 1 button it just doesn’t seem right or fair…

It’s a bit different than a roflstomp/one-sided loss since both teams are still playing with all their players in those matches


(copied from a separate conversation but its applicable here)

Its crazy to me the things people think are reasonable as far as game methods

People think twinking isnt cheating, but as far as im concerned it is, they think que sync isnt cheating but it is, they think teleporting a team to somewhere you cant leave isnt cheating but it is

No body wants to actually play the game anymore they wanna take shortcuts to everything

blizzard needs to start enforcing things besides the social behavior policy

If making it where 20-50% of the team actively cant play isnt cheating idk what is.


The town portal scrolls only work if your character is out of combat when the cast completes. If you’re in combat when the cast completes, a scroll will be consumed/put on cooldown, but it wont port you to base


Please don’t reveal my greatest weakness so casually.

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It’s probably considered cheating or an exploit.

If you used Shadow Rift to teleport the entire other team inside a wall so they can’t play anymore, after you get banned, I doubt you’d be able to convince a Blizzard GM you thought this was a legitimate thing to do in PvP.

“I thought it was intended that we could trap the entire other team inside a wall!”

I don’t think you fooled anyone with your disguise… Leapx.

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it doesn’t work in combat.

This is a bannable offense; it has been addressed in the past for using a map exploit. You need to A.) take a screen shot and B.) report the knucklehead who did it.

Easier in those instances where there is only one lock on the Horde side. Barring that, you’ll need to armory the locks on their team to see which ones took the Shadow Rift talent. Will help you find the culprit.


Wait reading your post reminded me I actually did take a screenshot after getting ported into the cage. I’m goin straight to the cops!

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Easier said than done if there are multiple Warlocks in the other team

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I know who it was. They won’t be doing it again while playing with us. I apologize for their actions. We don’t condone exploitive game play. I dealt with it immediately.

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you have quite the ego

How is dealing with an issue as it occurred me having an ego? You don’t know me. If you did you’d know that isn’t the case.

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I love scroll of town portal, they give me leave to file those emergency uhh… reports and they offer The Prncess a cry closet.

THIS IS STILL A GLITCH/EXPLOIT. We were about to win a game the other day (I was healing on my main) and all of a sudden trapped in a box… Then, finally died.
After that we fight our way back down to the horde than it happened again… Trapped in a f’n box and died.
Now, my question is, since this was reported over 6 months ago WHY HAS IT NOT BEEN FIXED? It is hardly a minor issue. This was a game changed for many. This makes me really want to just not play Wow PvP and return to RvRvR in ESO or GW2. Heck, my heals are not great anyway as a max level pally for some reason. Seems like DPS heal their pets better and self heals are better on DPSers. But I digress, NEED TO FIX THIS. Instanced Large Scale PvP should be a priority for a game like this. Ya know, seige weapons, Castle storms, etc. Wonder when we will get that stuff.