Greetings!! We are recruiting for heroic Aberrus. We are open to returning and newer players. We are Cross Faction friendly. We are a casual group of players just here to have fun, make some friends, and get some loot along the way.
We are looking to add a druid/shaman healer that can dps as needed.
We are full on paladin and priest classes at this time. We do have players that run keys mostly on the weekends.
My bnet is: WinterDragon#11980. Can also reach out to: wolfensteign#1654, Crazyirish61#1337, OkeyWan#1730, and/or reach out to someone in guild and they can direct you who to talk to.
Currently 4/9 in normal Aberrus. Come join the fun, laughs, and Boss Kills.
Still looking to add a few more to our group. We are 7/9 normal.
you guys looking for an spriest?
Yes, I can always use another range toon.
CrzyCanadian#1730 would love to start playing next week with you guys
I will be on about 7 central and get you invited. Added you to bnet. Otherwise anyone on in guild can invite you also. Look forward to having you join us.
We are 8/9 N. Still looking for few classes and a shaman healer.
Full clear normal. Still looking to add a warlock, mage, demon hunter, death knight, and a healer. Prefer a shaman/evoker healer.
Getting ready to start heroic. Looking for a demon hunter.
Looking to add a few more.
Bump. Looking for a Demon Hunter for heroic progression.
Looking for a mage and demon hunter.
At 7/9 with Echo to 4% looking for a healer or two.
Looking to add a warlock also.
Looking for ranged dps and 1 or 2 healers.