Ashes of Envy-Sargeras
We are an AoTC focused raiding guild looking for members to build our Core. Our focus is building a team that works well with each other. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8-11PM EST. We want people who are willing to put the effort in to succeed.
Current Prog: 10/10 N 3/10H
As we welcome all classes, we have a focus on the following:
Warrior – Arms/Fury
Monk- Wind Walker & Mist Weaver
Shaman- Resto and Elemental
Druid- Balance
Rogue- Assassin
Mage- Fire/Frost
If you are interested in joining you may also reach out to our officers:
GM/RL: BloodyZeph (Bnet: Darkpenguin#1870) (Discord: Zeph#2257)
Lead Officer: Lajaho (Bnet: Unseentactiks#1108)
(Discord: Jaasbri/Holaja#3600)