What are your thoughts on the game?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0LQSMT83L0 , this is an interview with the creator of the game if anyone is interested or want to know about the game
What are your thoughts on the game?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0LQSMT83L0 , this is an interview with the creator of the game if anyone is interested or want to know about the game
what does this have to do with WoW?
i thought i posted on the gaming section , how do i move the thread?
I’m too old for non-theme park mmos. Take too much time and effort.
looks like a mod moved it over to the right section
The game certainly looks complex in my opinion
I’ve watched the interview twice and honestly it sounds like every diehard MMO fans wet dream. This is assuming that everything that was talked about ends up being a reality and they release the game in a polished and finished state, If they can pull that off It’s easily going to be one of the best MMO’s ever made. I liked listening to the lead Dev and considering he’s a previous MMO player since Lineage and a massive fan of the genre I think he knows what players want, can’t wait to try the game.
It super ambitious , the guy talks about 250vs250 battles like it’s nothing . I can’t even imagine that not being a lagfest
He mentioned the architecture that they are using to test 250 vs 250 is brand new and he seemed pretty confident they’d be able to solve the lag issues once they’ve worked out all the kinks and tested it enough. I, at the very least have more faith in them to handle this over the way blizzard handles it with their terrible servers.
It’s just crazy to me how a guy with a fraction of a fraction of blizzard resources can do so much , if the game where to succed it would be a huge deal , it wouldn’t kill wow of course but maybe it could force blizzard to stop resting on the laurels
One of the biggest selling points for me is the fact that the lead dev is personally funding the entire thing by himself and that it wont have a box price, just a standard $15.99 subscription. This is why he’s able to be as ambitious as he wants with this game is because he’s the one that everything is riding on. If there was another company that had a say or control on the project I highly doubt it would have even a fraction of the content that he is putting into the game.
Forced PvP, huge pass. Looks Pretty though.
Looks okay so far, they seem to be trying to do a lot of things in their game. Although a lot of these kind of ideas sound good, when implemented they often don’t work out that well. It’s probably too hardcore for a lot of WoW players but may get a niche audience of sandbox MMO enthusiast.
I don’t really like that kind of player-driven sandbox MMO anymore, they’re cool at first but they get old very fast. Players find ways to “optimize” all those fancy systems and then the world’s magic is lost.
I also dislike PvP, I don’t want to take part in it, I don’t want to get ganked in the world, and I don’t want to lose access to my house or to a dungeon because some node PvP battle that I didn’t care about was lost. I know there’s a corruption system to punish gankers but there is no opting-out of PvP entirely and I’m completely uninterested without that.
I still hope this game works because I know a lot of people are looking for a PvP-focused sandbox MMO and the market is really dry for one of those right now… but yeah, it’s not for me.
My big fear is that is gonna end up like some classic servers with a few "mafias " taking all the resources and everyone else bitting dust .
It’s a sandpark mmo. A hybrid of the two. Which would make an excellent mmo and I believe it’s 80/90% open world. And the pvp punishment system is awesome. Gankers will be flagged as such with bounties put on them and they will lose gear to the players that hunt them and also lose xp.
The bounty system only works if there’s enough independent players to make it work.
The reality of gaming is that there will be organizations within the world that will collude to control all activities within that world. Hostiles will either get annexed or annihilated. AoC’s developer is relying too much on people playing for “fun.”
People that form their own syndicates in video games are not playing for fun; they play for domination which is the quickest way to breaking a server and leading to a ghost town.
If it can deliver on most things it is going to be the next step in mmo’s. It will not be a WoW killer but something greater, actual advancement in the mmo genre and will set the stage for next gen mmo’s.
I used to play an mmorpg back in the day where they throwed you in jail for attacking lowbies and such, and they where bigger and more powerful guilds than others but i don’t remember them taking all the resources, so i’m not sure if this "i only play to win " is a modern mmo problem as ion said or if people can just play for fun like and that’s it
Nothing diehard about it. Some of it sounds fun but the more he talks the more he sounds like so many other mmos. Sadly the one it reminds the most of is Wildstar, and we know how “hardcore” worked out for them.