Ashenvale PvP Horde Bias

so you only lost because horde cheated but still won most grow up my guy

You can just rez/regroup and wipe the alliance that killed you since theres no buff from bosses or at least from Priestess of the Moon. We tried to swap to defense in those situations and it didn’t work. But regrouping and wiping them sure worked.

Yeah that’s something I really don’t like. It also prevents server rivalries from developing.

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I used “FP” in a place I should’ve clarified as “hearthstone location”. It’s all about hearthstone location. The truth is the same for horde though, if you’re not already in the zone when it starts then you aren’t participating.

Alliance’s FP and teleport to the zone are both within a minute to your zoram-side outpost as well. But also the hearthlocation is within a minute of bonfire and glaive if you using the mount. Alliance have quick access to every outpost except for the one next to splintertree from their hearth location. Horde only has quick access to moonwell and research for their hearthstones. This SEVERELY cripples the horde’s ability to strategize for ashenvale, which is why I think its bananas that alliance ever complain about ashenvale. Y’all litterally can win any time you want if you only used your brains to figure out how.

I’d also like to add that the FP from splintertree - zoram strand is almost 3 minutes. If you take the FP at any point during the battle you aren’t going to get to participate in anything except maybe, just maybe the boss at moonwell, which if thats the case then the alliance already lost. FP’s are bad.

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Another issue, you will get layered if you die (west) because GY outside of Ashenvale… So, with that being said, you can’t really defend west or you risk getting layered and getting no rep for your effort. This allows horde a free west kill and hearth.

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Your post had some semblance of realism until this line. Damn near everything in classic WoW is skewed in favor of Alliance. The game was clearly designed to be played as Alliance, with Horde following as an afterthought.

This is blatantly clear with rune acquisition and the Ashenvale PvP event in SoD as well. Your bosses AoE root / rot 100 Horde players so you can run in and kill them for goodness sake. Ours do a Bladestorm that requires you to take 2 steps out of the way. :clown_face:

If Alliance loses in Ashenvale, it’s simply because they were terrible. That simple. You should win easily every time.


We’ve won 2/3 of the Ashenvales I’ve been in, and I’m on Alliance.

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I play on two servers and both of them Alliance have at least 90% winrate.

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I think the event is scuffed in general.

Troll post? Of course it’s not, I mean look at the Horde town right in the middle of the zone cutting it in half, it’s obviously horde bias… wait… nevermind.