What a let down. This is Drek 2.0 but worse. Event starts and Event ends no PvP. No Epic battles. No back and forth fighting the enemy faction. Last Event ended so fast we never even made a group. I’m not sure if there is an easy fix for this but it sucks.
How are we supposed to PvP? It’s just one sided other team wins instantly without fighting them. I don’t get it. I’m not sure if this can work if it’s not instanced and you force teams to fight each other.
Guess I’ll Que some BGs for Rep since Ashenvale is just not it. Over before it starts PvE boss zerg. Balanced servers didn’t do anything to help the event. Maybe someone is somehow enjoying this but can’t see how.
I guess I imagined fighting over land areas/towers and actual PvP.
I guess they are trying new stuff to see what works so that’s good. Just the Event doesn’t work and it’s terrible. It’s not even a PvP event. I’m just confused on the intended interaction they thought would happen?
Well I mean I want to get the PvP Rep gear but you can’t get Rep in Ashenvale when one side wins instantly without a fight. I’m just annoyed because there isn’t anything you can do and think people are layer hoping to avoid fights to just win instantly for rewards.
Need 1,000 more rep for the trinket then im calling it.
Can you be more specific. Just was kinda hoping this thread could be something where we try to get things fixed. Or Ashenvale to a playable state where there is fighting and fun to be had.
I feel like there will eventually be more pvp there once more people get level 25? I feel there are alot of people not even at 25 yet. I mean once people get geared up other than farming and making gold you got the pvpers out doin wpvp.
I’m not saying they can’t improve it. Just that there is limited players to do it currently.
Yeah, gotta say I’m super dissapointed. I was expecting something more than a zerg fest to the boss. I never even see any battles, just an announcement that it has begun and then another when it ends.
I’ve seen people in general saying that you can just swap layers, zerg boss and win. Really sadge.
PvP penalizes you though. If you layer hop to avoid fighting people to zerg a boss against another side that doesn’t even have a team. Then you can get the reward fast and Rep to get BiS gear. So the way to get PvP gear is to avoid fighting.
The Event shouldn’t end before it even starts. That’s not an Event. No one gets to participate, PvP or have fun. It’s just cheating the poorly designed system.
You absolutely can have NPCs be the objective, but it needs to be designed in such a way that NPCs become an objective you actually fight over, not one you just zerg down to win in 2 minutes.
There’s any number of ways they can do this. Whether they will or not I am not sure.
It would have been more fun if it were just a massive game of capture the flag.
Any of these designs should be intended to break apart large raids, not encourage them.
AV doesnt work. And this is actually worse than AV, because atleast in AV there are things you can do to help solo or with a small group like capturing GYs or towers.