Ashenvale - Lone Wolf - Horde

re-roll Alliance. It’s the same on Living Flame, and apparently all in our heads according to devs.


You’ll notice a poster came in here and told you their strat.

Then you asked them this:

But I’m here to tell you that you missed something important about what they said:

If the other Horde on your server are layer packing, that actually means they are layer emptying. The Alliance are just staying on their layer, so what might have been balanced before suddenly becomes a Horde exodus to a single layer. How are you going to win as Horde when your team is ditching you to huddle on one layer? Sounds impossible to me honestly.

Your only option is to follow that meta if it is occurring because you need a team. The Alliance are not doing anything wrong, they’re just…staying put, unknowingly hoping that their layer isn’t the one picked to get zerged. The side effect is that Horde is handing them wins on almost every other layer. Get in the discords and figure out if this is happening.

Only because the Horde made it that way instead of taking their chances on a fair fight.

I’m not sure how close the faction balancing is. On my server there’s normally about 7 layers and even on the layer we stack it’s about 50/50 if we win or lose. I feel like the minority faction just gets filled up with bots that aren’t going to partake in the battleground. Layering needs to take faction balance into account too and try force it to be 50/50 in ashenvale at the least.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. I played all weekend + today and out of 10 ashenvale pvp event, i lost 2. I’m always winning for the most part.

Someone should study the psychology of horde vs alliance players. While waiting for the event to start (also lone wolf), horde raid was steamrolling us. Just couldn’t get ourselves together.

At 1 percent out they left us alone. Once the event starts, alliance crushes all bosses. We killed shredder, moved to cata then onto general.

I think horde players must be good at dynamic event response and predicting behaviour and alliance must be good at pattern recognition and memorization.

There is certainly some mechanics that are not balanced with Ashenvale but it’s amusing to see (over the last 20 years) that horde is better at pvp and alliance better at pve.

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