Ashenvale - Lone Wolf - Horde

Classic would be SOOOOO much better if devs like Aggrend were fired. He spends a ton of time catering to streamers for the ego boost and you can tell it bleeds over into the game design choices.

Fingers crossed that Microsoft makes some new employee choices.


Yeah I thought he was going to be beneficial at first, but I see he’s just like what you said. Not to mention he’s just another wow dev with a massive retail mindset. SoD is set up just like retail as far as the theme park ride of what you should be doing to gear up. Not like classic where you had more options to gear. You didn’t just have to raid.

This isn’t like Classic+. The runes are a good idea, but they just brought over retail’s player principles. A couple of slots of “ok” pvp stuff to work. But players really need to spend the overwhelming majority of their time raiding if they want viable gear. That’s retail. That’s how they’ve designed this. And of course, the raids aren’t viable in pugs really. Boss 6 with a massive DPS check, etc.

These fundamentals are the same problems retail has. They just copy pasted it here and are now just going to be arrogant about their ignorance of the issues. Apparently, just blaming the players.

Didn’t see this coming.

Except the argument he used was for a faction balanced server, not an alliance locked server. When balanced, horde have a shorter route I believe because they can start west and then hearth east. Alliance hearth after running east to west to go to the general, but I think if the raids are equal horde might be faster. Pure speculation though and it doesnt take splitting raids into account.

Layer manipulation is ironically the cause of the issue and the solution. Since the population isn’t controlled the natural response was to stack a layer to guarantee a win. Blizz could fix that by imposing stricter layer limits in ashenvale so that you cannot have 3 full raids of one faction and half a raid of the other.

I would like to see more pvp in this event. Maybe move the faction lieutenants closer to each other so the raids might bump into each other. Other than that I cant think of a way to force the groups to collide other than required neutral objectives or forcing a specific kill order (which I dont like at all).

Most gearing right now is done through 5 man dungeons, quests and pvp/rep grind

There is PLENTY of things outside of BFD to get geared up

Wtf are you even on about?

I’m talking about gear that would make you competative in pvp. Actual good gear. Not second rate dungeon gear. You need to be raiding or you will be stomped in pvp. In actual classic, you can pvp and get gear you can pvp with. Can’t have that here. The only way to keep up in pvp with raiders who just pvp as novelty is to raid just like them and only pvp as a novelty yourself.

It’s a raid-centric meta. You are corralled to raid if you want decent gear progression. Just like retail. A departure from classic completely. PvP is just meant to get one or two slots of “sort of competitive” gear. The rest, you need to raid.

Also, I’m not trying to tangent this thread. The topic, and this, are symptoms of the same root issue.

More than half the pvp bis gear right now doesn’t even come from BFD

And how is that any different from actual classic where pve gear trump’s pvp gear

Pure pvp geared players are significantly weaker than people with pve gear in classic era

The advisor ring is the only BiS (next to other BDF rings). The trinket isn’t even BiS, it’s replaced by, for instance, Invoker’s Void Pearl in BDF.

If anything, I noticed that horde doesn’t want to participate in the event. It is too easy for their entire raid to be griefed by civilian killers so they often are running around unorganized in much smaller groups.

Other than the lack of horde participants, I don’t think there is a problem with the event. Maybe a wintergrasp balance buff is required, but it would be impossible to do so without kicking all the non-participants out of the zone. Every single horde base is right near an alliance one and horde have way better flightpaths, they should have been the ones dominating this event by every means.

Lmao, only have at least a month and a half of grinding rank. You don’t get anything close to competitive to raid gear until rank 12. What are you on about?

You can literally just buy +stam +main stat lvl 20-25 greens off the AH and be competitive in pvp right now

In actual classic endgame that would not be viable

There aren’t a ton of extra modifiers on gear right now, it’s extremely easy to gear up to be at a competitive level

If one player dings 60 and focuses on pvp rep grinding and honor grinding, they will be decked out at about the same time someone who chose to start raiding MC by starting to grind pre-BiS first. It was great design. You could go back and forth between the play styles and not skip a beat. Here, you just have to raid. You can’t even compete in pvp without raiding. It’s silly. There needs to be a parallel gear progression system for pvp for each phase.

But back to the topic. The devs seem to be saying layer hopping is the correct meta to make Ashenvale work. If you’re not exploiting layers, then you should be losing. First of all, the layers don’t even work properly. Second of all, make a layer drop down if you’re declaring layer hopping to be the intended game strategy for wpvp events.

Third of all, they gave alliance windfury so the majority of active players went to alliance. SO much so they had to lock character creation for alliance. The only people coming to horde are people so late to the game they couldn’t make an alliance character. Which means super casual. They aren’t coming to pvp events. They’re making level eights and calling it a day. Aggrend using this to say “hey, factions are balanced enough – if you’re losing it’s your own fault for not organizing” shows a complete lack of understanding what is even happening in his game. Mixed with a shot of arrogance.

Not even close to true. PvP is time gated. Pre-bis is not

Not to mention that a lot of the pvp gear is actually really bad for most classes compared to pve gear that is available.

Horde has two FPs in the zone and better GY positioning. The map favors them, if anything. Alliance got rolled a lot on Lone Wolf at the start of SoD. It’s likely a problem of population imbalance, and not the design of the event or the zone layout.

What are you even on about? The hardest rune to acquire literally has you go to Ratchet (which in of itself is a pain to get to for alliance) and a horde dominated zone of Stonetalon Mountains. As a hunter, i have a rune that requires me to go LITERALLY NEXT to Tarren mill. My alt rogue has to go to Silverpine Forest and in Hillsbrad foothills to get a runes. So please, stop your whining.

So you have to go to places with flight points and are shared questing zones. Where is the flight point in wetlands for horde again? Tarren Mill, because we don’t go to hammerfall for no reason. Where is it in Redridge and darkshire? STV…

Also there is a blue post that came out today, and literally said that the runes are alliance favored. If you dont believe me, maybe you will believe Aggrend.

After Zoram goes down, half the raid hearth to spinter. The other half runs down to shredder and wipes alliance over and over again until horde wins. ’

Works half the time

Just left another massive sea of alliance 10:1 rofl stomping the one raid horde could put together on Living Flame. Was over in 5 minutes too. Nah, but it’s just a horde organizational problem…

When in doubt, just blame the players, amirite blizz

Alliance makes 3 raid teams. One per base, that’s the whole strat lol.

i can tell you we usually have at least a raid at each objective. unfortunately if people aren’t motivated to join, there isn’t much you can do