Ashenvale - Lone Wolf - Horde

Over the weekend and this morning I did Ashenvale 7-8 times on Lone Wolf (Horde). Lost every single time.

Most of the time we contest glaives with the vast majority of our raid force. This seems to be the best strat, as the games are often closer, but we still lose.

We tried doing Zoram first, hearthing to research, then hitting glaives. This seems like an automatic loss. Games aren’t even close.

Anyone have any tips for success? If it’s just a numbers game, the Alliance are gonna win every time on this server it seems.


Organize your layers better. Get a discord, figure out what layer you want to be “horde” and have people all get on that layer, take it over, then when it fills up, get another layer.
We did that on living flame, because this event is rather garbage and doesn’t encourage PVP at all.


The mass exodus to alliance has already started. Know several people that have grown tired of the dysfunctional, non-stop insults and crying in chat… they’ve rolled alliance now.

I mean picking ASHENVALE as the first pvp zone. HELLO MCFLY? Is anyone surprised its already alliance heavy?

This will be a 99% alliance server in no time flat. I myself am already done. Not playing the reroll game. This is simply not fun. Not well planned. Not well tested. Looking at phase 2 where the dungeon is GNOMER… REALLY? I’m done. Cutting my losses.

Tried the seasonal thing. Not for me.

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I appreciate the advice. Any tips on the actual strat to win? What to hit first, second etc?

The only hope Horde has is layer packing. gg Blizzard. You’re pathetic.

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I see people type “inv” in general. I type inv, and get into a group. When I get invited, I go to wherever the people are on the map.

I have no idea what is going on, and I don’t even know if we win or lose (I didn’t even know there was winning/losing).


EDIT: I also don’t know why we’re doing the event or what it rewards.

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You’re 100% part of the problem. :clown_face:


Sounds like you’ve had bad luck with layers and/or lack of organized raid groups?

In my experience it’s usually it’s 50-50 whether Alliance gets steamrolled or not. This morning Alliance won by defending Moonwell after being behind for most of the event. Then the next event Horde won by steamrolling Alliance at Glaive/Cata with sheer numbers.

I’m playing Alliance.

Oh. Well then, you’re proof that Alliance has what seems to be a colossal advantage in this event. Ya’ll just run around aimlessly and win.



have raids at rune and glaive, then hearth to splitnertree, have all the raids zerg research, then go to moonwell. If you have more raids stack rune and glaive with at least 2 each, then any extras go to research, anyone without a hearth needs to head straight to moonwell because they arent going to make it to research from glaive and defiantly not from rune.

We have 6-8 minute wins.

And tell people that general chat isnt layered, no matter how many times they ask to be moved to a different layer, they are not going to get it.

Yay :heart:

Alliance is locked while Horde is not. All you need to know. It’s pure numbers. There isn’t even a filter for the zone to keep it somewhat balanced. This season is highly in favor of Alliance with rune choices, class balance, zone traveling, farming, and pvp.

The chronic cope from Alliance will be “bUT rAcIalS”…yet they can’t actually quantify the disparity in racials…and won’t because then they’d have to address how loaded some Alliance racials are(stoneform, escape artist, humans having two weapon specs on top of more racials than any other race etc).


This was also my go-to strat until some comedian killed the night elf civilian on the coast and de-ranked the raid. Now I just head to one of the camps on my own and hope there’s people already there.

Yea, almost every rune is in alliance territory other than the ones where multiple races get them in different places. It is absurd having to go to the wetlands, darkshire, and redridge as horde for multiple runes while alliance have to go to horde areas like once, maybe.

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Why would there be cope from Alliance, if it was the smarter choice?


People who complain about classes or factions either don’t seem to realize that they have agency to play those classes and factions themselves, or perhaps they just really enjoy complaining.

Which also happen to be the weapon types for iconic Legendaries!

I thought they were tweaking the layers to ensure in more level playing field. But according to Aggrend, everything is hunky-dory. He blamed the horde players on Twitter. Said faction balance is just fine.

I mean they literally had to cut off character creation for alliance and they’re going to tell us that it’s the horde player base fault not faction imbalance.

He said it comes down to organization and horde just not doing it. So it sounds like what he’s saying is that people should be trying to exploit layers using roundabout methods to get on the same one. I mean all horde does is try to make a raid and they can’t even get on the same layer in the same raid because of their screwed up layer system.

If he’s implying that this is now meta and should be how the game is played then why not just make a drop down menu for layers so you can pick and choose?

What a bunch of garbage, man.


Do you happen to have a link to the post? (I’ll see if I can find it, but it’s nice to link for posterity).

EDIT: Thanks for the link!

Your realm is perfectly factioned balanced. If no one is showing up, your faction needs to organize, simply put. On my realm horde wins most of the time. They organize better. There’s no game imbalance, there is organizational imbalance and that’s not for us to step in and fix.

That pretty much shuts down the claim of balance being an issue from people like this guy, who rather than take an opportunity to explain how the Ashenvale event works, just calls people clowns and says THEY are the problem, while simultaneously saying Alliance is better, he chose Horde, and they are the ones coping!


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A few different posts. He says we should be making discords to organize. Basically exploiting layers. Just make a dropdown if we’re supposed to be all getting on the same layer via some roundabout method. What a stupid design.

You can’t even get on the same layer by being in the same raid. But no it’s our fault. What a joke.

He says it’s not up to the wow design team to step in if a faction won’t show up. Yeah, it kind of is. They gave alliance windfury so all active players rolled alliance initially. Now players can’t roll alliance, which means the ones that are late to the game and barely play the game are coming to horde. Those super casuals are forced to roll horde. They aren’t doing ashenvale. They’re just maybe leveling to eight and saying that was fun and not playing. Obviously Blizzard is counting this as part of the balance in factions.

So yes, they do need to be addressing this. They need to be limiting layers or doing something to actually level the playing field. Apparently since Josh says organizing in the same layer is now game meta, they need to be making a drop down so we can select our layer. Not just writing it off and congratulating themselves for doing a great job in faction balance and just blaming the players for any problems.

Absolute. Joke.


The winning strat that alliance is using isn’t to hit any particular one “first” or “Second” it’s to hit all 3 at the same time.

Typically the alliance is preforming raids for all 3 locations when the zone is around 70%.

You’re never going to win by zerging them down 1 at a time, you have to do all 3 at the same time