Ashenvale Incursions UNPLAYABLE

I can see both sides of the story here.
But to those simply saying “go to a pve server, get gud”, have you seen the population unbalance on most sod pve servers, hence why some pvers choose pvp servers.

Much easier to find groups.

Griefing isn’t PvP. Be a better person. Get serious!

Wrong! It is and always has been PvP.

That’s pretty unfortunate. Anyways, PvP happened on a PvP server.

Do not blame me for your horrible decision making. I’d suggest rerolling to a PvE server.

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Protip: faction balance doesn’t matter on PvE servers.

Don’t play PvP servers if you don’t expect to get farmed

Played on pvp servers since before you were soiling your diapers.
This aint pvp. Its faction control. Something which was supposed to have fail-safes.
But blizzard being blizzard… they failed yet again.
So incoming exodus to pve servers
Such a Simple fix… limit Ashenvale Incursions to 40-49 and have guards protecting up to the ramp. Anything inside whatever goes would be great pvp.
End of SOD.

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if i was into pvp, i would 100% just camp all the portals in incusions. Super easy gankfest, why wouldnt you kill while most people are just mindless following others around or afk waiting for others to return rescue quests?

bliz should give triple the honor while in incusions and add ear drops to all the corpses so the gankers can loot an ear and sell it for 1g and 100rep!

gank em all, gank em gud

You are obviously lying. I haven’t seen such epic WPvP that had such a meaningful impact since actual vanilla and TBC. You are sucked into the “most efficient route for leveling” like a moth into a flame. Allow me to be the one to remind you of what a PvP server entails.

The Ashenvale incursion is just cancerous…

Get one more Level than do the 50 incursions. They are split and the Hinterlands one on CS is Alliance dominated while I believe the Feralas/Felwood where ever that is at must be Horde.

The quests for it open up at 48 and it has a daily 1,000 rep bonus.

Remove pvp and pve servers and just add warmode tbh

Isn’t it hilarious that blizzard thought adding guards next to NPCs would just magically fix the problem lmfaoooo

End of Blizzard, its dying, let it dye so they quit rehashing Classic with a new hue, let the next big game company finally make good games again. Paying 2024 prices for a 2004 game with “new” skills, aka skills from retail lmfao

I don’t think they did.

Isn’t it hilarious that the pacifier Blizz stuck in these cry baby’s mouth has fallen out, and now they want Blizz to stick it back in with guards on the ramp

Because it never was a problem to begin with

There are dozens of these threads and they are all the same. You will never accomplish anything with a thread like this. All you get is the same group of forum trolls regurgitating “PVP happened on a PVP realm” in several different formats. Save your energy.

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It’s the cold hard truth that people unwilling to accept.
It will never not be true.

PvE server ----->