Ashenvale Incursions UNPLAYABLE

Make Ashenvale Great Again - Non PVP Zone
3 Layers, all dominated by the faction with 4x as many players.
Elites around the quest givers just pushed the lifeless griefers on to the bottom of the ramp inside the nightmare so whether you’re coming or going, you’re dead.
This has made Ashenvale incursions unplayable, creating an imbalance where one faction can enjoy the great xp / rep and the other side logs off.
“It’s a pvp zone” - Yeah it’s 50 vs 12, great pvp.
“Just do normal quests” - Why the inequality, why limit one factions player experience.


They have entire pve servers!


They have entire non pvp zones on pvp servers already but thanks for playing.

just turn off your pvp flag if you don’t want to pvp.


I agree, I deal with it on alliance crusader strike so I made horde on the only other decently populated hordeside server which was lone wolf and lone wolf horde = crusader strike alliance lmao. Hits just keep on coming.

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You seem confused.

no, it seems you were confused at realm selection…


No confusion at all. Please read the post again, maybe ask an adult to help you.

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Blockquote They have entire pve servers!

This answer isn’t helpful and this problem is not a pvp or wpvp related issue, this is a SoD related issue that needs to be addressed.

Blockquote no, it seems you were confused at realm selection…

PvP servers are 100x more enjoyable than a pve server. Sadly issues with layering and the cap being 50 has made the most efficient way to farm honor is to spam kill level 37s-40s with 100+ level 50s in the graveyard, and if they try and run to the guards you mindcontrol them and walk them back into the pile. They are holding hundreds of low level alts and new players hostage.


This ! well said.
I’d also add the fact blizzard felt it necessary to add elites next to the quest hand in shows blizzard recognized a problem and in true blizzard fashion half fixed it.


So you are saying you want to go to war, but also protest going to war.

it’s like having your cake, and eating it, too.


All Horde ever does is gank…

Gank, Gank, Gank…

Oooooo a 1 v 1!!! , nope… 2 v 1 and the Shaman has a Spriest side car… Lame…

I hope you suffer every minute of the walking Nightmare…

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Blockquote So you are saying you want to go to war, but also protest going to war.
it’s like having your cake, and eating it, too.

So like did you not read, or are you just inherently born stupid.

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you said “pvp is fun but pvp is not fun”.

Blockquote you said “pvp is fun but pvp is not fun”.

ChatGPT response detected.

You sir are the confused one in this thread.
Voluntarily chooses a server where PvP is always enabled in contested zones.
Cries about PvP being enabled in a contested zone.


It’s not rocket science. Carebears like you want to play on PvE servers. Don’t ruin our PvP servers.


Clearly you are actually the one confused as you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. As someone who has been playing on pvp servers since 2006. I can assure you this is not pvp, this is not a classic WoW problem, this is a SoD Problem that is being exploited.

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Is it players versus players?

level 50s should be locked from going into lower level incursions, easy fix


This is closer to win-trading than pvp. Except their is no trade. If you think endlessly AoEing a graveyard and farming low level players is pvp then you are just really bad at the game.