Just happened on my realm Chaos Bolt. All the mini bosses died for each side yet the final bosses are still immune to damage. The counter at the top of the screen reset to 2/3 for both sides. Anyone else seen this yet?
Happening currently on Wild growth now, 3/3 ally 1/3 horde, All horde bosses are dead but the far east boss is still red on the main, but white on the mini map.
Happened on Crusader about an hour ago.
happend just now on wild flame waste of time
Same thing happened on Wild Growth Horde had killed 2/3 minibosses then it bugged to 2/3 as last miniboss was killed. Alliance was able to get the win because they were slow enough to not kill the minibosses before it bugged.
This is the current situation on Living Flame.
So far the two ashenvale pvp events i’ve done today have gotten me layered over to another 3/3 3/3 after killing the catapult guy.
Making legit.
just happened for the second time in a row on crusader strike, we all got layered to a partially reset layer and we have to wait out the hour timer for it to reset because the bosses aren’t alive and the last boss is fully buffed
happening for the second time this afternoon on Lone wolf, feels like layering is the culprit
its bugged, we get layered then mini bosses aren’t there to kill and the final boss is immune. need to keep posting to bring attention to this