[A][Sargeras]<Zero Deaths> Recruiting for Shadowlands

Raid times:
Wednesday & Thursday 830PM to 1130PM
Optional heroic runs for Tuesday or Friday possible.

Current progress: 7/12M -Ny’alotha

What we want:

We are mostly a M+ and raiding guild,
Our Goal is CE for each Patch.
We occasionally PVP (Arena)

Currently recruiting for Shadowlands Raiding:

DPS - Mage, warlock, DH, enhance shaman. (All welcomed to apply but we are looking to fill
these specific niches)

Healers and Tanks

Msg me Discord Frost#3808

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We are still looking!

You can also msg Alyross#4965 on discord

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Hey everyone reading this!

We’re still looking to fill a couple more DPS spots on this, maybe 1-2 backup healers at most! Keep applying :slight_smile:

ilvl 475 dh lfg. bnet-Rosgaros#1423. just transferred to sargeras and looking for prog raid guild.

I sent you a bnet invite Shezan

Looking for Enhance shaman, DH, Resto Shaman and mages still

Recruiting for mages and healers (mostly resto shaman, monk or even holy paly) still but don’t be afraid to apply for any other roles or class

Where are all the healers at!?? Add me on Discord Frost#3808

Come on all DPS and Healers still looking for a mage or 2 and any other willing to apply! :slight_smile:

Still looking for more ranged DPS including mages, some healers and some of everything else

Still recruiting past our 20 break point for mythic raiding all are welcome healers dps tanks if you,re willing to try for a spot you’re more than welcome!

Still recruiting :slight_smile:

still recruiting!

Still looking for some more healers, maybe some tanks and DPS (mostly ranged) we’re gonna be guild running keys and so on in prep for raids so come and join in on the fun

479 Resto Druid/477 Hpal , I’m looking for a guild for mythic raiding and m+ in SL, my previous guild broke up after Zeq prog so I’m looking for a new home for my mains. If interested please add me at btag-GhostSoda#1301 or Miari#2279 on discord.

Hey I sent you a discord friends request.

We are still recruiting DPS! Hit me up on Discord Frost#3808

480 ilvl 11/12M prot paladin if interested btag titan#13762

Bump. Still looking for try hards DPS.

Im a DH returning to the game looking for a group exactly like yours. Sent a request on discord.