<No Skill> is a fun and progression focused guild looking for a few players to round out our roster! Raid spots will be based on merit, attitude, reliability, and drive to improve. We strive to make the most out of our raid week with clear goals set before the week starts, and all raid members are all expected to play their class to the highest levels to meet these goals.
We are firm believers that a positive and enjoyable atmosphere goes hand in hand with content progression. All members of the roster will be expected handle disagreements maturely and respectfully. Undue drama is not tolerated in <No Skill>. That said, the raid atmosphere is filled with jokes and friendly banter, for a fun experience that is unmatched by most guilds.
Raid Times: Tue/Wed/Thur 6-9 PST (9-12 EST/8-11CST). We will also run Heroic carries for gold on the weekends.
We are in high need of a Shaman, Paladin, or Priest who can play both their healer and DPS specs to high levels, or be willing to sit on 4-heal fights.
Melee DPS - Warrior.
Ranged DPS - Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest
All exceptional applicants will be seriously considered.
Bnet: Felix#1209/Discord: Telleria#0326 (Recruitment Officer)
Bnet: Chaotix#1201/Discord: Chaotix#8188 (co-GM)
Bnet: Covahz#1569/Discord: Covahz#7277 (co-GM)
Application: https://forms.gle/hKgCCCSFAHjFvKr86