[A][Sargeras] <Cohortes Praetoriae> 10/10N 3/10H LFM for AOTC and Mythic Progression

Cohortes Praetoriae is a recently reformed guild looking to clear heroic and start progressing through mythic CN. We currently have 10 core raiders and looking to fill out what would be our 20 man team for mythic raiding. We plan to fill and farm heroic and PUG mythic until we have a solid 20 man team. We aren’t necessarily a hard-core raiding guild but we aren’t casual either. We take raiding seriously but do not have a demanding raid schedule.

Raid Days/Times
Wed/Thu 9-12am CST

Classes/Specs Recruiting

Fire Mage - High
Boomkin - High
Affliction Warlock - High

Rogue - High
Unholy Deathknight - High

Resto Shaman - High
Disc Priest - Medium
Holy Priest - High
Holy Paladin - High

Vengeance - High

Please contact me on:
Discord - fiikfiic#1242
Battlenet - fiikfiic#1815
or our GM;
Discord - Trinquel#4052
Battlenet - Twidget#1698

Safe Travels!

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Our guild is growing with people who enjoy being around each other. We have good energy and DO NOT USE MASS RECRUITING ADDONS. We build relationships with individuals and push content because we enjoy each other’s company.
3 of our officers are family and we’re looking to make our virtual family a little bit bigger, 10 people bigger! :slight_smile:

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Bump, really good group of guys!