As I stand here and burn people alive below

… by first covering them in boiling oil and then using lit torches to set them aflame, I wonder what kind of parent thought a game with this scenario in it was appropriate for their child to play but having the B word in it was too much.


The guy who was simping for the evil corpse is the kind of parent who complained

Garrosh was 100% correct to call out the most obvious villain in WoW


It was an overreaction but a somewhat understandable one in the wake of the Cosby suite crew situation blowing up

Technically not for children.


World of



You get what you pay for.

In this instance, the change was suggested by a dev after playing the game with a child.

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I was around for all of that and understand perfectly why Blizzard made the choice, although I thought it was wrong at the time and still think it is wrong today.

But my thought, as I stood on that wall and truly comprehended that I wasn’t just burning bugs, I was burning people, people of a species I had had positive and enjoyable interactions with, was of the parent.

that thread title, tho


My youngest is six y/o and I let her cuss, bc she will cuss regardless if I tell her not to, so I wanna let her be her. It’s beautiful. I wish I coulda cussed and have been a witch at six! I am happy for her <3

I keep saying lately, even tho my mind is kinda heh from too much booze - i don’t want ppl’s opinions to be the loudest anymore who aren’t the brightest bulb in the box, not open minded and too set in theirs ways bc I have known ppl who are intelligent that are too set in their ways and so far gone its hard to reach through with their bull crap and walls and/ or its too much energy to show them the light.

We call each other the “b” word (me and my daughters) as a term of endearment.


edit: english just deal ty

Typical mage :weary:

I don’t know what I hate more, Karens or anti-karens.

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How could you “hate” karens? They’re so entertaining!

The first is constantly looking for hill to die on, the other is constantly complaining about the karens.

They’re both equally worthless. Generally speaking of course. You all are awesome on the other hand.

cheers, and good tidings!

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EDIT : SHOUT not > Should out to the pally tank who had short hair named “karen” <3

I have hope for ppl but it becomes less and jaded with each passing year

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Like, are we disregarding the fact that the bugs were an invading force of egotistical monsters that consider other races inferior and had already captured and imprisoned pandaren citizens and the entire dungeon is basically a rescue operation, or does that not matter?

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interesting, i would think that’s more a warlock’s opening line

“so, anyway i started rain of fire-ing”


Mostly a lot of perfectly legitimate grievances get boiled down to the newest internet stereotype and people who don’t deserve it get caught in the crossfire until the term loses all meaning. Happens every time.

After 4 years, I think its more silly to still complain about this, than the act of removing it

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The term existed since '98.