As a transgender player

Wow, that got flagged in the time it took me to help Loh. That may be a record.

Then you are not part of the they, good job!

That sounds snarky, it’s not meant that way.

It’s good to talk about openly too. I really do feel bad for those who can’t get the help they need. I hope yours isn’t keeping you down!

Everything I say sounds snarky. But that’s just how my voice is.

Oh I do too because I have been there so I try to help even if it is just a “If you ever need anything I am here.”

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I just have snarky fingers. LMAO.

He won’t last long here…

Probably not.

Oh same.

Guess I type how I talk? Gays and Girls. Sass for days. Love it. lol

Don’t end up like Rosen. She’s on vacation.

Gay men are my favorite. I collect them anytime I can. My daughter seems to have picked up this trait as well. We both seem to be magnets.

I don’t know this person but I’ve picked up they were transitioning.

Judging by your comments here, I really hope you aren’t using the wrong term they would prefer on purpose.

For every LGBTQ-positive thread, there are probably two anti-LGBTQ threads that try and minimize legitimate issues.

Double standards don’t make you look sophisticated.

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Rosen is a trans male - To give you the full context.

A super cool guy, still following his blog and I know he’s out there reading. Hi Rose!

Frost is a transphobe (Among other things) so… 2/2 on your reply!

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I call spades a spade, even if it has a chip on it.

There’s a reason for that.

It will continue to get worse and worse with the rise of gamers sick of political nonsense invading their escapisms.

You are disgusting.

I hope one day you find happiness.


You won’t be the first, and I don’t care.

Damn you guys are fast. I barely had time to read it.

I take solace in that, looking at your post count, this is probably your primary source of human contact.

So thankfully no one has to actually run into something so hateful irl.