As a transgender player

They just can’t stand Trans people being happy and comfortable.

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Or most of us are just sick of a very VERY select few of them constantly preaching how bad they have it with a new thread literally every week.

We get it, your life sucks, you’re surrounded by the big bad phobes, and you, I’d advise against gaslighting. A certain Ivy faced a temp ban for that.

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I’ve given you this advice before:


Same can be said to you, and you also was part of the cause for this thread getting out of control.

Don’t cast stones in a glass house friend.

I mean, I’m having fun. Why would I leave?

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Like… Why are they so obsessed

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How is he going to give you an explanation for something that even the experts haven’t found the cause of.

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Why are they like this lol

Funny how I have been a player in the game since right before Wrath and not once has anyone asked me my gender or what I identify as and not once did I ever ask anyone else.

I honestly don’t care . You do you and I’ll do me. I won’t talk about my gender and neither should anyone else. We are all just toons in a game. We have no sexual organs in the game so we are ALL gender neutral!

Obviously we’re Regina George. Everyone is so obsessed with us.


how you identify in real life has no bearing on a video game lolz…

the reality is, some people are all about drama…


MOOBS! Man boobs!

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I was tempted to say “Because a black cat jumped limb to limb in a maple tree on the 7th hour of the 5th day of the 6 month, which happened to be a Tuesday, of their mother’s pregnancy.”

Has about as much chance of being right as anything at this point.


Since we’re on the topic of representation, where’s the representation for a nudist Blizzard?

I wonder if I could cause havoc with that…

They’d have to change their rating for that.

Oh, so constantly preaching about what you like in the bedroom is suddenly G-rated? I don’t follow this logic.

No more so, or less so, than non-gay characters.

Even so, if we’re all going to whine about minorities, I’m quite sure nudists are minorities, and lets also add the Amish, since we’re all screaming about minority representation.

And, as I said, they aren’t going to add something that would cause their rating to have to be changed.

If you want to petition for Amish, then I will back you up.

If you are trying to back me into denying some inclusion (other than the obvious above or anything illegal), you are going to fail so I wouldn’t bother.

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