As a transgender player

Oh you guys! :relaxed:


Thats a very big bun :blush:

Those old ladies where precious.

I like big buns and I can not lie…

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I feel excluded.

But that’s normal.

I mean… If you can just outright change your biological (word I don’t know that we can say even in this context) at will are you even really transgendered at that point?

It’d be kind of cool to be able to do that honestly but I’m just not sure that it’d fall under the same terminology since you could just do magic and be whatever you want to be.

Because I am a massive trans rights activist?

This literally just says to affirm trans people’s identities and that trans people deserve equal health care.

Simply says trans people are at a greater risk of mental illness which is true because duh, transphobia.
“The study also found that transgender individuals who had undergone gender-affirming surgery were significantly less likely to seek mental health treatment for depression and anxiety disorders as a function of years since the procedure.” If anything, this validates transitioning. Does not correlate transitioning with mental illness increase.

“The sex reassignment surgeries (SRS) required for legal change in gender status of individuals with gender dysphoria are helpful in relieving the conflicts. SRS causes improvements in the quality of life, family support, interpersonal relationships and reduces the concerns about the gender related discrimination and victimization.”
bruh lol you realize this is pro transitioning

Didn’t load.


If they’re curious, they don’t not care.

So I got a degree in chemistry because I want to be a chemical?

I love when they drink water and go to the grocery store too!

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This does not correlate to anything that was said. Next question.

Clearly LFR is to blame.


Well said!


1984… missed it by 16 years.

I thought we were blaming the 1% these days?

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Oh no you’re going to summon… him…

Holy crap you are barely older than my kid.

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Sometimes they post art on twitter and I’m like, wow, look at this. Free gifts to the masses. That’s so kind of them.

I feel very young right now.