Isnt that a predominately white country? I thought we hated that?
Make that 8 hornets all trying to sting an iron will.
Anywhere with universal health care is a good start.
So it was a bait question. Got it.
Yeah, I just did a quick “which country…” and it said Switzerland.
Oof, did I strike a nerve? This certainly reads a bit more tilted than your other posts.
I’m glad you can admit that you’re uneducated, though. That’s a really courageous move on your part. Let me help you with the process:
Being hateful against hate is not something you can use as an argument. Being bigoted and being intolerant of bigots are not equal to the level of harm caused by one.
Found Lauren Chen!
Please, punks like you I have dealt with for five years. You are but a drop in the tsunami I always must stand against.
It’s okay. We all know the truth. You can keep denying it. That’s part of the process.
You literally don’t even know me. Your mind games won’t work.
She literally does nothing but post in these threads to get attention for her hot takes.
Someone should dedicate a thread to Frost on nov 3rd
Not sure off hand, but it doesn’t matter. Don’t need to compare to others to know we can do better.
What mind games? I don’t need to know you. You’ve pretty much admitted this is the kind of person you are.
we’re not supposed to highlight that we’re women when it’s just for “i’m a lady and I’m a victim!” sympathy points hello rule number one
If it’ll survive the mods hard rules about call out threads here.
Just looked up lauren chen. How can an asian woman be alt right? Alt right as i was taught on tv by major media are white supremest.
It won’t, but a one day silence is a worthy sacrifice that won’t mean anything in the future anyways.
Well, how can Blaire White be a transphobe? They’re grifters.
One day bans?