Okay but it’s not. I don’t owe any of them anything. They don’t owe me anything. That’s been blizzard’s stance this entire time until extremely recently.
If leaving a key helps preserve someone’s IO score, it sounds to me like unfinished keys need to start being reflected in a lowering of one’s score. If someone disconnects or has to leave every once in a while, it wouldn’t have much of an effect. But cumulatively…
Honestly I think the game would be better if everyone just stopped doing Mythics. It’s the worst thing they have ever added to the game. Timers and Affixes are nonsense. It’s created a toxic dungeon environment from Timewalking to any other level of dungeon. Legion was a great expansion but some of the forever systems they added really hurt the game. They hurt the game so bad many have been taken out. It’s time to end Mythics with borrowed power and daily grinding.
Report 'em and they’ll get looked at by a GM. If they broke ToS, then they’ll get a suspension which in turn will - if their behaviour continues and they continue to be reported - escalate into a permanent ban.
I’m using it interchangeably because in layman terms, they are the same. But if you want to be more strict then yes, what they got were suspensions.
Which, if their behaviour continues, would eventually result in a permanent ban of their account as well.
People breaking ToS isn’t allowed anywhere in WoW. But there’s a culture of not reporting people in PvP so people don’t do it. Regardless though, it still ain’t allowed in a PvP setting nor a PvE setting.
So if it is something that bothers you, report it. If it breaks ToS, a GM will issue a suspension. That’s all there is to it.
if you are such a decent human being why are you expecting people to carry you and be held hostage in your group of bads?
that doesnt seem very “decent” at all to the people who dont want to continue to play with you.
laughably ironic. you are so entitlted and have such main character syndrome you cant even see that people shouldnt be forced, at the threat of a ban, to play with anyone they dont want to.
absolutely wild.
Where do you see men expecting this? I don’t put because of players like you who can’t handle the smallest of inconveniences.
Your time isn’t anymore valuable than the other 4 members of your party. If you don’t have the decency to stick it out in a key that may be a few minutes over, which is all I’m advocating for for literally any group, than you deserve whatever punishment Blizzard has coming for you, cuz you’re the problem.
Again, if you’re leaving all the time you deserve it. It’s not entitlement to think people should stick it out for a reasonable lot untimed key.
Not once have I advocated for staying if the key is obviously a disaster or you’re spending more than five minutes over for a season where the dungeon timers are less than 35 minutes long (we’ve had keys with 40+ minute timers). You speak of entitlement than fail to look in the mirror.
Yeah, it is wild that people like you exist in an online social community where the common goal is to achieve success, but you’re unwilling to help people do better by being slightly inconvenienced, because that’s all I’m advocating for here.
Edits: typing is hard
It’s a bad stance. Because they give you the invite for free, but you owe them nothing for it. Imagine if they could select a party member who would owe them something for it. They’d select that one.
The easy solution to this is to just not leave keys
wrong. easiest is to not do m+ at all.
maybe this is YOUR goal. it isnt mine. stop trying to speak for everyone. you do not speak for the entire community. who are you to say what the goal should be for me or anyone else and how we should play the game?
classic case of trying to make what YOU want be the focus while ignoring everyone else.
egotistical entitled players like you pretending you are the “nice, good player” is an absolute joke.
its also hilarious you keep straw manning our arguments but expect us to capitulate to your every demand because thats how you want us to act and play. the main character syndrome you exhibit is crazy.
On the bright side, the M+ system is largely designed to incentive leaving if it’ll waste your time, and most of it is intended to be.
Even farming 10s, you’re punished like crazy if you don’t time it. Need 15 crests for that upgrade? Well, timed is 12 and untimed is 5. If it’s your key and it gets bricked down you’re screwed. Not even talking IO pushes.
I cannot stand M+, and I’m chained to it as a CE raider. About to drop Mythic Queen and I’m still running 8 x 10 to min/max, despite being well over 638 iLvl.
This was what the drop down option for key type is meant to be…
People didn’t want to use it because good players rarely sign up for completion tagged keys. So instead completionist individuals complained to the point where now everyone has to try to get a consensus of the rules the group wants to abide by before the key starts and even than you hope that the automated system doesn’t just count the run against you anyway.
Funny how we had the solution to all of this all this time but people didn’t want to use it…
It is if I value it as such. How much you value your time is entirely up to you. Four man the dungeon if your time is that worthless.
this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this
Projecting much?
Have fun with your account action for leaving keys. The game will be better off without you.
if you leave enough keys to be able to identify as a “key leaver”, you deserve however long you get
at that point, the problem is you and nobody else.
By that same logic, the whole group is taking advantage of each other.
Or in other words, cooperating.
Leaving the second the whole group is inconvenienced, yourself included, because you consider yourself too good for everyone else there (as staying would just be those peasants taking advantage of you) is an indicator of severe narcissism.
Because regardless of whether you time it or not, you still get gear from it. And if the group were able to replace you easily with someone it would be one thing but if you arbitrarily decide to leave without it being mutual, you’re putting yourself above 4 other people and that’s just rude.
Yeah but nobody is going to do that because it means they’ll potentially be removed from the group before the key starts. Plus any time you ask people for communication they get all bent out of shape over it. Why should they have to type things into their keyboard that “everyone should already know”?
If I decide to leave a key listed as standard or beat timer because it looks like it’s going to be a struggle, and that feeling isn’t mutual with the rest of the group they need to set the proper expectations by listing the key as completion. I specifically avoid joining completion keys because I don’t want to wade through a bog to finish the key.
I assume that when a key is listed as standard, the idea is to do it within point range. So, a few minutes over at worst. I assume when a key is listed as beat timer, they’re there to beat the timer. If either of those assumptions are incorrect, the group leader needs to do a better job of communicating the expectations, specifically by listing is as completion.
That is a craaaaaazy series of words lmao.
I never said I was too good for everyone there, I said that I leave keys that I consider to be a waste of my time. If you think I’m better than you I’m flattered though.