Those are the same people that say “if it bleeds, it breeds.”
You can be a “gay figurehead/icon” even though you are straight/live in a world that doesnt have lgbt issues. He-man in general is considered one(even though he is straight/lives in a world without said issues). Simply put people have seen queer coding in him(intentional or not) and have latched on to it.
On an added note, probably one of the reasons so many people latch on to Anduin being gay is because at the time, there were next to no male characters who have significant screentime talking to each other that were 1) single 2) didnt have any background on who they loved(most of Anduin’s current straight tendencies were fairly recent) 3) had two male characters having a significant amount of time bonding. Hence, why the only other major male shipping i recall is Thassarian/Koltira.
Well said. I was going to respond personally but wasn’t sure how to word it properly.
I know we disagree often, but you did sum it up pretty good
To add on to your excellent points, Anduin was either the only, or one of the extreme few, male characters in any position of prominence who wasn’t presented as very aggressive, had feelings beyond “I will fight every fight there is to fight”, and…
Well. He was presented as a healer primarily in Cata. It’s a fantasy trope that healing is a feminine role, and a loud number of gamers had accepted that as fact. Not that men couldn’t heal, but that if you are a female player, you’re probably a healer.
Anduin being presented as a healer, therefore feminine, likely added to the idea he could be gay.
Which honestly is a dangerous stereotype imo.
Basically setting the view that a male MUST be an overly muscularly warrior who fights before thinking if they are to be considered “straight”.
Anything other than that must mean they are gay!!!
Absolutely agreed. Waaaaay back in the forever ago past of BC, when I actually tried to be a whole raider, I had my favorite healing partner (back when I was a priest main, thus fulfilling the stereotype) quit on us. He was a guy who healed, and he caught so much needless toxicity for it.
My first character was a resto druid.
I see. Thank you for explaining.
I have a female friend who refuses to heal because of this stereotype. She plays tanks almost exclusively.
if they make him gay that will kill the character for me becous i see him as he is chaste and celibate and is the only one on wow that fits these gidelinds
I mean, you can be gay and chaste, just like you can be straight and chaste. Or ace and chaste, even.
A few points—
First, “He was straight as a kid!” Well, all gay kids have to act straight or face ridicule. Now that he’s king, he would’ve been free to come out. But again, we don’t want him—kill him off.
Second, even though I’m gay I detest “wokeness” and have since it emerged. It’s just a way for entitled straights to drown out the voices of legitimate minorities; want to see how straights dominate the narrative about gay issues (or how Whites dominate Black issues) then take some courses at a liberal arts college. “Wokeness” serves the interests of people who aren’t really oppressed, not those who are. If people really want to be “allies” they can shut up and listen instead of trying to cram multiple issues into a single box and then find a one-size-fits-all cure to societal ills. But again, just kill Anduin off.
Third, the way the toxic culture at Blizz created this crap-storm of epic proportions is easy enough to understand: The toxicity began, so the people with the best skills left first (that’s the A-list talent). So, those people had to be replaced either by moving people up in the company or hiring from without. As time goes on, more people leave and Blizz’s reputation gets trashed by ex-employees who will talk to their colleagues about the corporate culture, so recruiting from without becomes less feasible. This led to a loss of mentors who could pass along native knowledge to the people who would replace them. Finally, what you end up with are people who don’t understand the game, don’t understand the story, and don’t understand the player base calling the shots and you get BfA and SL. But again, kill off Anduin.
Fourth, we don’t have to have woke culture in the game, but representation is absolutely essential. It’s not essential to whack people over the head with a political message because those messages are often of the “one-size-fits-all” variety that is truly detestable to everyone. The whole “Let’s celebrate women” take the devs have elected to follow deny Black men, deny gay men, deny Hispanic men, and really deny women of color their representation because it’s all been about these White women. But again, just kill off Anduin.
Honestly, if the devs would’ve just focused on making an enjoyable game and respected their players’ time and choices, this wouldn’t be an issue. The C-suite guys were rotten to the core for the most, obviously, but blaming them for this whole mess ignores the fact that the devs have unleashed terrible design ideas on us all and tried to use contemporary politics to hide their lack of understanding. But, again, just kill off Anduin.
I get the devs think that wrecking Anduin as a character somehow balances out the ruining of Sylvanas, but maintaining a sense of fairness in this way is also unfair. I can go on about how the Horde have been given rock bands in the game, given more attention, and generally treated better because the C-suite guys were into that (e.g. BlizzCon—big screen—talentless thick-necked dude yelling homophobic slurs about the Alliance, Samwise Didier nodding and clapping enthusiastically as he introduces this hateful screed), but let’s focus on what really matters here: They’ve ruined Anduin. Permanently. They’ve ruined Uther. Permanently. They didn’t respect players’ efforts at leveling, or our efforts to work with their endlessly disposable systems, or even our choices with respect to PvP or PvE realm selection; they just don’t respect us—any of us—and they take it for granted that we’ll always be here to put up with whatever bad decisions they come up with. Well, here’s a good decision…
Oh god he is back…
Let me say that again, gnome…
Christine Golden specifically said that she wanted to avoid the stereotype that every male character that shows a softer side was gay.
Or we actually have more males characters on the softer said and that are not gay/also gay. I vote Aramar Thorne be added ingame.
Now I wonder what the Validation Card for existence even looks like. And what sort of hole puncher or mark is used.
sounds like a very personalized hole punch.
Maybe it’s being jealous about you know…well stuff that would get me banned if I actually spell it out.
Sounds like the poster above ya be jealous about something
You’re that Drach guy who was really toxic. You’re wearing the same helmet, and I checked, and you’re the same guy.
It sounds like he has a thing against “fake blondes”. People who successfully dye their hair.
Looks like he is just made that he got a bad dye job.