As a female player....oof

You actually think there weren’t complaints. That’s cute.

that isn’t censorship - some people always looking to be outraged by everything. Even if they have to make up stuff.

Im a female player and agree with OP on this.

I agree with choice and players having a variety to choose from. Choice and the ability to choose for myself is part of my power as a woman. Am I going to stay quiet while someone tries to belittle that choice? Nope.

If someone wants to transmog in a less revealing way, thats good for them! If someone wants to transmog in a revealing way, that’s good for them! We should have the right to choose, not have our choices taken away.

When I choose a revealing transmog, I do it for me. I do it because I like the gear pieces, I like the way they look, I like the whole outfit, I like that I got creative with some pieces, or I worked hard to get one or more of it and want to wear my victory. I dont dress for others. I dress for me.
And I will do that from my own two feet, my knees, or anywhere in between because I choose to do it for me.


It is removing the original art to put in sanitized art in one case a bowl of fruit. I would also guess that the replacers aren’t the original artists given the rate turnover in the games industry.

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Well you don’t get to choose what tmogs we want in the game for some of us woman that actually like to show skin in our tmogs .

Side note all this censoring is dumb that blizzard is doing . No one is going to care about a painting lol :rofl:


I agree? My response was to the person who seems to want all women characters to wear burlap sacks.


and so what - does that diminish the game for you that you can’t gaze at that picture all day - here’s a hint, the internet is full of a lot better pictures it that is what you get off on.

I am not in favor of censorship especially not when it appears to be kowtowing to puritanical values that for some reason the left is seeming to embrace almost as much as the right recently.


I agree 100% Blizzard is fixing things that didn’t need fixing. These fixes are also Body Shaming women. Got big boobs? Well that’s bad we need to make them smaller and cover them. Also these kind of changes kill the fantasy of the game. Look at FFXIV, do you see anyone complaining that you can dress sexy ? No of course not cause that’s not a issue or a thing. Give the players a choice. Do they want to cover up or do they want a Plate bikini. This kind of thinking has ruined the fantasy of the game as well as the armor models. They are so boring now its ridiculous. The earlier models are sexier then the newer stuff. You literally made Demon Hunters show skin and yet any of The armor models don’t allow us to show off our tattoos so it kills the role play and fantasy of the class.

Please blizzard stop doing things that just draw more attention to your issues. You fixing these things is just showing how much you don’t understand what’s going on. Bring back the fantasy armor, let male or female characters show as much skin as they want. People should have choices. I hate having to wear the salt armor models to be remotely sexy. Its so pixelated and looks so bad yet that’s the only option I have to make my character the way I want it to be. Please stop fixing these kinds of “issues” and take the examples from other games and let us have armor style choices.


Gonna keep this short & simple. I agree.

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Reported for being rational and sane. That has no place on these forums.


Are you the same troll who defended taking /spit out of the game?


they are men, so they know better what women want and how they should be dressed. you better cover yourself now

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This person said that she would ban me from forums cause I disagreed with her, LOL. So yeah she probably would report you to the manager.

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There should have been a burlap sack chest piece though. I would have thought that would have been in vanilla all those years ago but nope. Such a disappointment.


Ion likes males so he has 0 problems in female “censoring” as he like little boys outfits …not females.

It only makes sense he censors what offends him.
Sadly straight people are always made to pay.


Ok, you know he hasn’t been around from the get go right? I mean, really mogs have been less skimpy since he started. Your boogeyman is not scary… try a new trope! Notice the changes are happening now, not then.

Her body, her choice, right? Or is that only for those who agree with you?

Semper Fi! :us:


George Carlin said it best

" there are two knobs on the radio! One of them turns the radio OFF, and the other one CHANGES THE STATION!"


How is he poor? Seems like between him and his brother, he got the better end of the deal being jailer of sargeras.