As a Community, we do not want RDF

I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not, but I 100% agree with this!

There is no WoW token unlike Retail so no, you can’t buy gold in Classic.

He said, as he bumped the thread

There is no WoW Token for classic… yet.

You can buy gold in shadowlands and trade it for classic gold.

Blizzard said that’s not against the rules. So you kind of can?

hello, i’d like to welcome you to the world of gold seliing sites. they’re rampant, they will never stop. blizzard made the wow token so they could get some the action too because they realized it’s soo much money.

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You’re trolling right? I’m in 3 different discords that facilitate gold swaps from Retail to Classic. You can absolutely buy a token in retail and trade the gold over to Classic.

RDF introduced LFR and gold buying in Retail, if you support RDF you also support every other feature that Retail has.

It is a slippery slope.

How legit are those? Also what are the exchange rates like if you don’t mind me asking?

Says only you.

it seems like you can have your cake and eat it. i guess.

thats a dangerous argument to make, just because you like one thing doesnt mean you like all things. RDF may have lead to LFR, i agree. but it didnt lead to gold buying. there is no real connection there.

This is false, this culture of convenience is what built the RMT empire that Retail has.

Vanilla had RMT lol.

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There are definitely scams and people who impersonate big traders. But the good ones have a rep system where you can ping someone to see how many trades they’ve done and read comments, etc. If you are careful it’s pretty safe.

Current exchange rate is crazy since Wrath is about to launch and retail is in a content drought. It’s around 1000-1400 classic gold per WoW token on most realms. Worse for the fresh realms obviously.

I really wouldn’t consider sitting around refreshing lfg skill based, but your milage may vary. Personally I’d rather actually play.

Vanilla actually had no RMT, gold buying is illegal and there was no WoW token either.

This is in the gray area and not recognized by Blizzard, i’m willing to bet it’s a bannable offense if exposed.

If that’s what you do then that’s a player problem, I and a majority of players PREFER the LFG tool and chat and can find groups quickly.

Again, you might want to take a look at the forums and see which way the wind is blowing for the “majority”…

RMT is insanely rampant in classic already, and it was rampant when BC/wotlk 1st came out. gold buying, and buying carry services were a thing the second people figured out they could use the game to make real money. RDF didnt affect it int he slightest. people were buying glad, weapon rating, gear rating, raids, gold so they could buy their mats/consumables etc. RMT has never decreased or increased. blizzard just decided that they should be making that money since its their game and introduced the wow token. and the wow token isnt inherently bad either, there are some people who the only reason they can/do play wow is b/c they buy their tokens with gold they make so they dont have to spend real money on a sub.

Vanilla had RMT, I was given a warning on my first WoW account for buying gold for my epic mount back in 2006. Now on this new account Blizzard bumps my GM ticket to the front of the line if I have issues buying a WoW token. :smile: