As a Community, we do not want RDF

oh you mean like how c’thun was LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT.

Yeah super hardcore. Much argument. Lmao youre awful at this.

Sure, but anyone well versed in literature and other cultures has heard of it. And those that haven’t would’ve likely done their research before foolishly saying “ITS TWO WORDS!!!”

So it’s not the content that’s hard, it’s the finding groups that is hard? Thanks for the admission!

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They were talking about original vanilla. Also, Naxx was released and then they announced TBC. So folks may not have been interested in doing the super hard stuff since a new expansion was on the horizon.

I told you they’d move the goalpost, none of these people can ever admit they’re wrong.

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the LFG may be decent on your server but the only groups i ever see forming (for dungeons i want to do) are groups where the only good item is hard reserved. so i have to make my own group, and thats fine. but i’d rather just rdf, if its not put in i wont quit the game, i just wont do dungeons unless friends are around. so while i’d prefer there was RDF (even if it comes later into the xpac), i wont quit if there isnt. so the whole anti rdf pro rdf doesnt really matter allt hat much to me, i just dont like people saying you cant do something because i dont like something. and thats pretty much all this argument is.

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My RP is that I’m nameless.

Funny you say things like

then try to play RP name police with me, without even knowing whether or not I RP.

We all know you’re just reaching for a way to discredit my argument. This is just as weak as people who look up others’ logs to try to discredit their argument.

If classic was so hard, how come the Europeans beat Molten Core week one of release? Didn’t some hardcore guild get world first like the first week!?!?

The social interaction is being able to pick whose in your group, RDF absolutely removes that player right.

I love this so much ahahahaha

Says the master of never admitting they’re wrong. Classic is less played than Retail, like it or not.

Exactly my thinking too. The OP is a troll but i think a majority just don’t care at this point about if RDF is in the game or not.

i RP’d once and it was pretty fun. i told the trade chat that i loved everyone and i got arrested for false advertisement and thrown in the stormwind stockades, and i made a jail break and randomly ran out when all the NPCs were running out (a very lucky coincidence) and had a bounty put out on my head. was a very good time.

classic was never hard. It’s just inconvenient and rewards work put in.

Thats the diff between retail and classic. Retail hands you things and classic you work for.

Its really up to each individual to decide what their work is worth to them. If your minimalist work running the same m+dungeon all week is what vindicates it then so be it. GOod on ya.

If grinding it out for months in classic is the kinda work you deem worthy. All the more power to you.

Both sides suck at this so hard.

You also can’t just RMT for gold like Retail, you have to earn it in Classic. Many things are more skill based.

someone going to tell em?

thanks sugar. Im glad you got a chuckle outta it. Now explain it to bloomsday as it went over his head.

Except people do. But you ignore this part and claim that it would only happen if RDF was added.

I wouldn’t care if RDF was in the game if they opened up their new tool to cross realm so folks aren’t punished for being on lower populated or the least populated faction.

It’s an accessibility issue.

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i’d say its more time invested base, and im fine with that. i agree with that. more time should be more gold. more time spent = more rewards earned. 100% agree.