As a Community, we do not want RDF

And I don’t think either of those are great changes. I see the value in all three changes though. I just think keeping it wrath like was the move. Its the constant whining for changes and the entitlement attitude that comes with it. Just play the damn game and adapt

Dude you’re straight up quoting and responding your alt.

lmao thats hilarious. Who asked shrek here to come in and be wildly incorrect? We got enough of that in here.

He won’t change his thoughts because he just likes the attention he gets when he riles people up. He doesn’t actually care about the game.

be fair, we all like attention. Just uhhhh most of us like positive attention. Kids got naruto syndrome.

Uhhhhh nope! That’s plainly false.

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Oh my god it’s just like that LOL

Yes I am passionate about my cause because I have seen the negative effects RDF can have to a community and I was around for this whole drama back in 2009 as well.

I love Classic and I made my home here as did many others and it bothers many of us that there are people trying to come into our home and take away our rights by forcing us to accept a tool that is proven to be damaging to our community.

If you like the game so much, go play it instead of living on the forums.

I think old heads like me just have a nostalgic idea of what classic as a whole was and its completely different than the systems that eventually came into the game. Completely different experience and in my humble opinion, devalues and dumbs down the experience. But I also understand the efficiency and quality of life value these changes bring. Always going to be a split here and we will see how it works out.

My problem is that anyone who threatens to unsub on either side of the coin deserve to just get the ban stick. That entitlement/whining is just a cancer on society as a whole, not just on WoW

I did a Kara GDKP yesterday and will host another one today since it reset, I post to defend our Community from Retail players like you who are looking to ruin what WE have built.

I was thinking the same thing but then i was like “well isnt that what im doing here?” then I realized that i only kinda like this game. Enough to come to forums and laugh at its denizens i spose.

Quoted For Truth.

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Is 6k total players on a server “dead” to you?

Free transfers are scuffed, and server balance (a community issue) is awful, but the Classic experience has been fun and enjoyed by a ton of people. Particularly Vanilla Classic!


see now THIS is a person that you oughta suspect as an alt lol. Not me ya silly avocado in plate armor.

I’ve played the game in every iteration more than you most likely. Classic included.

Anything that’s not a FotM megaserver is “dead”.

Sulfuras could have 120k but it still would be “dead” unless it was referred to as a megaserver


Clearly you haven’t considering you don’t see the downsides of RDF, you most likely AFK’d and Alt-tab daily for hours at a time which makes sense why you want to ruin Classic for us too with that same mindset.

With RDF these behaviors are essentially repercussion-less.

Good thing it’s not coming!

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Or, it’s a person who found that quote to be absolutely hilarious and someone who sees Rdf as a defender of the Community™

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