As a Community, we do not want RDF


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good effort lol.

This man is getting so upset that he got destroyed in a debate, it’s kinda normal for pro-RDF people tbh they fold VERY easy under pressure.

This is why their side lost and got RDF removed, even the Devs can’t support that sort of weak ideology.

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I disagree. What I do disagree with is the droves of people whining, complaining and crying for changes to a game that is a recreation of a prior game. stick to the script. if you dont like said game, move on and play something you enjoy. why invest all that time into something you don’t like. the whining just sounds like 2022 entitlement

Lmao you just swim in your delusions of grandeur. Thats hilarious that youre drowning in it.

Well reality is that people who want RDF should move on and play something they enjoy instead of ruining OUR game.

Classic already made it clear there will be no RDF and no plans to put it back in, anymore discussion wanting it to come back should easily be dismissed as a troll argument. They can go back to Retail.

my side? Im anti rdf lmfao. You’re so busy being wrong and self deluded you dont even know who’s on what side.

Maybe its the glare comin off that bald head blinding you to whats happening.

And i’m a leader figure in this movement, you clearly have no REAL opinion as you switch between both sides randomly.

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RDF not being here only benefits my style of play. So of course i dont want it.

However im not stupid enough to sit here like RDF and act like there arent any benefits to RDF coming in. OR that the opposition has no valid points.

nah you just love the smell of your own farts too much

I’m not sure what argument you guys are having here, but I’ll get my popcorn out. Either way, its rather tiring hearing all of the complaints to implement something that just wasnt in the game until icc. I think we are in agreement here so I’ll stop repeating myself :slight_smile:

at the end of the day many probably give up trying to reason with you because you’re simply unreasonable, you’re set in your ways of play the way i want or dont play at all that people stop caring about you. at the end of the day im talking to a brick wall so why should i talk? you’re probably the type of kid who would take his ball and go home if you got at all upset. play what i want to paly or else! childish mentality but hey, some people are just like that. what can ya do?

please dont. Youre one of the few people here that seems to have an actual head on their shoulders and not just a giant pair of buttcheeks. repeat away.

Brother, maybe he is going about it the wrong way, but his point is, STOP trying to change a game that is a recreation of a prior game. if it doesnt align with how you want to play it just simply play something that does.

The person you’re agreeing with doesn’t want RDF, this is how clueless the pro-RDF people are they don’t even understand what anyone’s argument is including their own.

I am the most reasonable person in this thread, I have been nothing but kind and civil while pro-RDF people turn to thugs and bullies and try to harass me for having my opinion.

Maybe if you people learned how to be more respectful, we can engage in a conversation.

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because youre smarter than a brick wall? Youre letting a brick walls graffiti drive you off. Dont let this brick push you around. Theyre nothing.

Dual spec and Battleground queuing wasn’t in launch either.

thank god for some changes like no RDF!

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crybully behaviour.


i havnt seen anyone not being civil, for the most part. or bullying you. you’re dead set in your ways and you’ll never change, you’re going to go as far as to quit b/c you dont like RDF. you’re too hard core to change your thoughts so why bother