As a Community, we do not want RDF

RDF being in the game doesnt mean that you HAVE to use it, if you’d rather find people in trade or w/e to run it, then you’re more than welcome to. adding RDF isnt removing the ability to actually make a group and walk to the dungeon, you can still have your preferred game play. they cant MAKE you use it. so why would you cry? does it being there offend you? the only reason to care if its there or not would be either it didnt allow you to play the game the way you want to, or you just want everyone else to be forced to play the same way. so which is it?

My point is that where exactly do they make the money, the boost is not even needed that they sell in the store. Even without the XP buff, Wrath reduces leveling time by almost half across 1 - 70 and 70 - 80 is also a breeze.

LFG tool also is very easy to use and I get into groups pretty quickly, you can easily find groups and guilds to run with it as well as many are making alts and doing dungeons.

I guess I just don’t see how they could profit from it, but what they did do is listen to a MAJORITY of the playerbase that said they didn’t want it. If anything, they retained a ton of subs by doing so.

It will never come back, WE the SILENT MAJORITY will make sure of it.

The proper feedback for LFG tool is to give ideas on how to make it better, NOT to outright remove it as that is not an option.

Without proper feedback, the LFG tool will be the fault of the Community for not working on making it better.

The tool has potential.

The entire point of the LFG chat is to promote social interaction, you can CHOOSE willingly who gets in your party and who doesn’t. This idea that we must somehow give up this right to queue with random strangers against our will is a hostage situation and cross server will only promote more criminal activity in groups such as ninja looting/toxicity/etc.

If RDF ever comes, MANY will unsubscribe. The LFG chat will become filled with RMT ads similar to Retail, we want to prevent that.

The biggest issue with RDF was that you were incentivized to use it with bonus rewards. Even if you didn’t want to use it you’d be a fool to pass up the free rewards. But even if they were removed I still wouldn’t want it.

I believe RDF is the reason the game started losing players in Wrath as opposed to continuing to gain players like they did in Vanilla and TBC.


i dont think you’re understanding me. if you dont like RDF just dont use it? whats the big deal. i hate BGs, bgs being in the game doesnt promote world pvp. remove bgs. see how dumb that sounds? that is your argument.

Imagine only playing the game to run dungeons and this is the only way you can gatekeep the few people who have had the miss-fortune of interacting with you… lmao… Dungeon do not matter… the tool does not matter… Its like taking away everyones car and tell them to walk to work… you want to make money you have to earn it more… running hte dungeon isn’t enough you have to walk to get there otherwise you lazy!!!

It was 100% the reason why people stopped playing Wrath back in the day, it led to a massive fall off. Most of these people here were in diapers during that time period, they have no clue the damage RDF did to our WoW Community.

It doesn’t work like that, I can log onto Retail right now and no one ever looks for dungeons in LFG anymore as they just AFK and Alt-Tab in RDF all day long like mindless AFK zombies.

We do NOT want that in OUR Community hence it’s removal.

RDF led to LFR and WoW Tokens, if you support RDF then you are directly wanting to bring those features as well into the game.

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bonus rewards are typically only for those rolls that are underplayed and are needed. ie tank/healer. and even then they’re negligible, and iirc they didnt come out until further expansions. i dont remember them being in wrath but that was so long ago so maybe im wrong.

Losing players in wrath… what an ignorant statement.

Subs were in decline before RDF… and sky-rocketed after RDF was launched. RDF was such a huge hit that they thought Raid Finder was a good idea…

I 100% believe people who didn’t play the game during their retail era have no idea why the game declined.

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It was some gold and an extra couple badges

Wrong this has been disproven many times in this thread alone, many graphs were shown showing that RDF was what caused the downfall of Wrath.

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Lol dude can’t even read a graph.

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I enforce this often enough. You’re either with the alliance or youre not.

yeah, at the end of the day fairly irrelevant, and if RDF really ruined the game and made it so you wanted to unsub then a couple extra gold isnt really worth it…is it? my guess is if you’re quiting/quit beccause rdf you probably werent enjoying the game much to begin with. RDF is such a small and irrelevant part of the game that you all are just being butthurt to be butthurt. RDF doesnt stop you from playing your way but me playing my way offends you so im off the hanging grounds i guess.

guess im grabbing my toaster and running a bath b/c some kids are throwing a hissy fit over RDF.

You’re really gonna choose those 2 products as examples? Come on man, aint’ no one gonna believe that.

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Both examples I used can be proven by simple google searches, anyone who doesn’t believe that is just naive to reality.

Nope, graphs show otherwise. If you have proof to the contrary, please post it.

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It has been posted on this very thread MANY times, if you can’t even be bothered to do your research then you can’t expect others to do it for you. I don’t get paid to educate the uneducated.

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They just happen to be 2 of the most negatively reviewed products by blizzard in a decade. Not what I’d call a great example.

Well I won’t have to since we won’t have RDF in wrath classic.