As a Community, we do not want RDF

Then maybe Classic Era is better suited for you.

Care to post on your main? I doubt you ever have a max level character to begin with.
Because THERE IS NO MODERATION for LFG chat. LMAO :no_entry_sign: :brain: :no_entry_sign: :brain: :no_entry_sign: :brain: :no_entry_sign: :brain: :no_entry_sign: :brain: :no_entry_sign: :brain:

This is straight up troll. The thread should’ve been hidden and deleted before.

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Huh? Where did this kid come from?

Randomly assigned a group vs randomly whispered… you get RANDOM encounters… just telling you guys that its the same people just the tool you used to group with them is different… yall not equipped to have this convo.

People are using that, but it is horrible and marks DPS players as tanks. Also it doesn’t solve the issue of folks who play during non-prime time hours who have to spend 30+ minutes looking for groupmates.

Also, small sidenote, I play on Moonguard US which is an RP realm. You’re on Grob, which is an RP realm. Is A GUY an RP name or did they do away with the server naming rules?

I have to make some breakfast but when I’m back I expect an apology from every pro-RDF poster that derailed my thread.

thats kinda one of their points.

this is my main, and there is moderation for LFG chat wtf are you on about? Or do you mean…like…a slow mode or something?

nah they right. If your LFG chat is anything but LFG spam then you need to be pushing reports out. You catch 7 day bans super easy for doing anything but LFG in LFG

Thought I would heal a quick x5 Coren Direbrew. Say healer LFG, invited, other guy can’t figure out how to invite the tank in que, passes lead, now that guy cant see the original tank, sit around for a few mins. Drop group, get invited to another group, summoned, not a word is spoken other then saying who is going next and GG, dps fight over the stam trinket, life changing social interaction blizz.

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Not true, I would rather we had it.

Go to Maladeth, it was mostly edgy teens when the server opened up. One of the reasons I left.

Straight up reporting as trolling at this point. When the discussion got out of his way this is his response to it:

Stop making stuff up, I know you do that professionally but nobody believes this bologna. Every mega server chat is an absolute trash dumpster on fire and nobody is moderating anything. The spam is excessive and observable at anytime of day.

straight outta grobbulus son. Here to lay some truth on your lazy rotten behind.

You’re not equipped to find groups, so youre here crying for RDF lmao. That’s the bottom line here. You need your rotting hand held.

Thats a you problem. Not a blizz or server problem

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I find it funny that you’re the only person from Grob that I’ve seen with an RP-friendly name. Did they do away with the character naming rules on RP servers? I thought it had to be RP friendly?

It’s hard to apologize when we aren’t sorry.

Look at your post, why would anyone want to group with toxic people like this? Maybe Brian can hop in or the “community manager” can comment.

First I have a guild to run dungeons with… which is how I will run most of my dungeons…

RDF is a tool that helps casuals and people htat have less time to play quickly FORM a group… not sit around waiting for Snowbite to gatekeep who is in his group… cause the e-girl he trying to simp for wants a caster trinket… (heads up she not even a real bodytype 2, just identifies as one).

dont know and dont care. I name my characters what I want and if it falls within the rules thats great. If not i get forced to change it to something else i want lol.

But to answer your question. I have no idea if they changed that rule. Probably.

its funny you assume that I speak this way to people who aren’t acting like complete babies.

The difference between my speech to forum goers and people actually playing the game is vastly different. The people that infest the forums here generally deserve this tone and derision.

And honestly I wouldnt group with any of the people here anyway. So its win win.

How nice of you.

OK, first of all, Grobbulus isn’t a mega-server. Both Faerlina and Benediction have both 20k+ in their server than you have in your factions side.

If you are not seeing LFG being spammed by many different groups is because you are not on a mega server.

Also, there is NO MODERATION to LFG chat.
You know what is chat moderation or are you just coming up with terms like this?

Chat moderation means you can kick or ban people from chat as being moderator or assigned moderator. That doesn’t exist on LFG because it is a game default chat. Chats created by users like “World” are moderated.

Plus, what are we even discussing the needs or not for RDF. It was in the game.

What is next, are we arguing back for 40 man raids because it killed our social interaction of having 40 people fighting for the same objective and drastically reduced the size of our raid?

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then dry your eyes, its weird how good your tear ducts work for an undead. You have the means to be self sufficient but just dont want to.