As a Community, we do not want RDF

So that’s all that defines what Classic is? Whether or not it’s in Wrath? Your definition is shallow and not shared by the developers of the game.

It is.


Cmon guys we really let RDF/LFG/his other personas make the same post again and entertain him and argue with Bloomsday again?

This is just all fun for them and a circle that won’t end so why keep spinning it

We all know its the same guy, we’re just hoping that by engaging him here that he won’t go do what most people with his “defect” do IRL… gotta keep these crazy kids inside at their PC, and away from their grandmother.

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If you think his intentions are malicious, why did you bump the thread? No one forced you to click on this.


Alot of people who quit at the end of MOP and thru WOD, enough to make the devs change course, would say otherwise…

People have been gearing and playing alts since Vanilla. RDF doesn’t allow for anything new, it just makes existing content inherently more antisocial.

Oopie sowwy semantics powice.

Clearly not, and clearly you need to be told.

You have that.

The go to RDF baby argument, every time.

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Lots of players are wrong, about what makes for a good experience.

In other news, sky is blue.

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No they are SAVING the expansion from you Retail players who only come here to troll OUR community and ruin what WE have going for us.

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Me bumping doesn’t make a difference there’s 1.5k comments here lol I just think it’s insanity to keep this debate repeating over and over.

You and him have a tenacity that is unreal, you’d probably argue with a robot if someone made one that was pro rdf arguments in a loop.

Nice to hear about your introspection…

They quit due to WoW token, which was yet another idea started by RDF supporters. Flying had NOTHING to do with that.

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Yes it does, you’re keeping the debate alive by bumping it with your ad hominems and off-topic posts.

Sorry that we don’t swallow and choke on your weak arguments? If an argument is bad, off course I’m going to resist it.

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We’ll keep posting about RDF until its added… when subs start dying because people don’t wanna log in to play alts… because we’ve seen 2 expansions with no RDF so far in Classic and easily running a dungeon hasn’t been a thing… which made GDKP’s and Boost so popular… lol…

“Pweeze daddeh bwizzard. Pway the game for us or we’ll get someone else to daddeh bwizzard”

Lack of RDF didnt make GDKP popular. Laziness did.


Literally posting from a retail toon named RDF. Does your boss know you’re trolling the WoW forums at work or are you still in highschool posting on your phone underneath your desk?

This post has no other goal than to rile folks up. You’ve provided nothing to back up your claims. Please provide proof.

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Boosts no longer exists and GDKPs existed back in the original Wrath too, RDF kills all social interaction which is far worse for the community than boosts OR GDKPs.

You keep resorting of off-topic and personal offenses, basically you’re trolling at this point.
Anyone against RDF is basically a forum rat troll.

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I bet he cackles like a super villain in his basement everytime somebody mentions the irony of his name(s)

Funny how WE won and got RDF removed while you cope and cry on the forums, I wonder who the real troll is here.

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Hilarious how you have to downplay your opposition this hard because you can’t refute anything they actually say against it.
You’re a hypocrite.

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