As a Community, we do not want RDF

You would be surprised, Wrath got initially ruined by RDF but a lot of those players might be willing to come back since we have a superior version of Wrath compared to the original.

Which gained subs with rdf

Sub count during wrath into P1 cata says otherwise

I know reading comprehension may a little difficult, but 1) I don’t play retail, can’t stand it. And 2) if they aren’t meant to be run commonly, why bother having quests for them in the paladin level 20 class quests? Kinda feels like maybe people are meant to go there?

Again proof has been posted many times proving RDF tanked subscriber count but you continue to ignore it.

And actual sourcable proof has been given otherwise. Sorry you can’t cope.

And the fact that it can’t even pull players from a bugged mess of a private server proves it’s inferior

Um… I just want the original?

The only graphs posted came from RMT gold selling sites, you have NO sources while I posted verifiable ones.

Then you can go play Timewalking on Retail instead of ruining our Classic experience.

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Only for one patch. You can peddle this disingenuous argument all you want, but I’m personally not gonna dignify it any more.

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Yeah just like every post is riddled with your alt accounts and discord bots

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How the heck can you even say WotLK timewalking is anything like original WotLK?

Because he didn’t actually play the original. Or Classic.

RDF is a CLASSIC System… lol but I guess yo uwouldn’t know that cause you aren’t old enough to have played OG Wrath.

Classic doesn’t mean dead realms… go play your SOM trash.

RDF is a RETAIL system, NOT a Classic system. You can go play Retail, myself and the MAJORITY of players INClUDING the Dev made the RIGHT decision. Either deal with it or quit.

Wrath Classic will be successful with or without RDF.

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Do I get an ward for being false or an alt? I’ll keep a spot on the mantle next to the most despised… And funny enough Dev’s have been wrong before. No flying, pulling the rip chord on covenants, tier sets. Seems like the retail Devs get it wrong quite a bit. Also seems the ones we got from retail are following in their footsteps.

Who are you to say that’s the only acceptable way to find a group? No one is asking you to personally change how you do your thing. But we want to play and if we don’t get to play, we won’t pay either…Where does that leave your servers? Are you gonna pay more to keep them active, have bots stock your AH, keep with abomination of same faction battle grounds to keep an illusion of an active game. Have fun with that.

Also you won’t see 12 million subs for classic wrath. Won’t ever happen.

RDF was in wrath… eg: classic system… pretty sure RDF isn’t in retail… because the devs are… well lol…

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The immediate gain in subs isn’t owed to RDF. It’s owed to what came before it, like the culmination of a 10 year story that started in WC3.

A change to mechanics doesn’t cause a million people to immediately start playing. That’s like attributing lower gas prices the day a new president takes office, to the new president.

You will notice, however, that there was a STEEP drop off in subs after the rose tinted RDF glasses wore off, and the player base saw the detrimental effects.

The game was changed for a completely different audience. Classic is meant to recapture the original audience. Retail is still there for the new.

If you and the pro-RDF people quit it wouldn’t make a DENT in the playerbase, if anything no RDF will bring MORE players.

Classic Wrath is NOT the same as Retail Wrath, the changes we made are SUPERIOR to the original game.

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No flying has always and will always be the correct move.

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One of the most ignorant statements in this thread thus far.

RDF is not a mechanic it is a tool.

RDF allowed people to play gear and paly alts… instead of being locked into no dungeon running because finding/forming a group was atrociously bad.

The original audience of WoW is me… so don’t tell me what is and isn’t classic… classic to me means old class’s before they made everyone be everything and watered down talents… period.

You are so ignorant… the changes they have made across the board for classic wrath are terrible… they are literally ruining their best expansion… these new developers and you out-of-touch few on these forums… blow my mind.