As a Community, we do not want RDF

Except you haven’t. You always say this to get people to read more of your topics, but you never actually post anything.

I don’t need to do any research. I’m not the one trying to convince people that RDF is bad.

Think you need to look up “literal” friend.

Well gonna move on cause this thread has devolved into trolls that really don’t have much to say except “everyone says so…” or “RDF is better cause I say so”.

Not really worried bout RDF anytime soon with arguments like this.

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And if you don’t want rdf you can go back to vanilla.

I don’t have to convince anyone either, I KNOW im right as RDF got removed and is NEVER coming back.

Then why do you keep making forum posts? Go revel in your rightness.

Here OP, I found someone who doesn’t like RDF. But it was because of the queue times.

There, I did your job for you. If you’re going to be anti-RDF, please put in the effort.

There you go with that absolute again. Have you learned nothing?

I am only speaking the TRUTH, as long as we the SILENT MAJORITY have anything to say about it we will NOT allow RDF to corrupt our Classic community.

Vanilla era is right there for you, you won’t be missed.

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Same can be said for you, maybe Vanilla Wrath will have RDF but Classic Wrath will not. Cope and accept Reality bud.

No movement? Have you actually looked at the forums lately? Get your head out of the sand… Also we haven’t actually seen PROOF from anyone that the majority doesn’t want RDF.

And now I’m an enemy of the community? I feel flattered. I’d like to thank my mother and Elvis for the award. I do get a most despised award right?

And no one said you have to use RDF. Perfectly fine and a good thing for an LFG channel to exist and for peeps to create groups that way. Especially if they want to be anti social gate keepers. Again don’t like it, don’t use it. Spam away in a channel or get a group with your friends and guild and your “community”.

And you just named 2 things that brought about part of the down fall of WOW that I never even mentioned. The gold inflation that the token brought and the toxicity raiders brought to lfr are 2 of the major issues that got retail to the point it is now. They aren’t wrath items and DON’T belong in wrath.

And nope I like classic wrath and plan to be here for quite a long time :slight_smile:

It’s almost like you’re not meant to have easy, instant, unfettered access to every dungeon in the game. Almost like this is a world where some things are farther away than others.

It’s faster to quest instead of hoof it to SFK as an Alliance player. If you really like Silverpine, then maybe it’s worth the xp loss to get a group together and see that content.

Point being, it’s only a problem if you make it one. You don’t need fast groups for far away content, and you shouldn’t expect it just because you’re used to having it in retail.

Show me a wrath server that succeeded without rdf. Hint. They don’t exist

Wrath Classic Prepatch kinda goin’ off, but that’s just me.

Um… folks are use to it because it was there in 2009 during the WotLK. I posted a screenshot of the forums before. I’ve posted patch notes.

It was literally there during WotLK. Please, why do you not understand this?

Your right. I’ll just sit in town and get summoned instead. Wow such gameplay

Yeah the 3 week old content is lively. Shocking. Get back to me in 6 months

It is proven that MOST of the pro-RDF movement are all alts and false accounts and people on a coordinated Discord campaign set to troll and ruin Wrath Classic.

Virtually no one takes pro-RDF people, def. NOT even the Devs.

LFG chat should be the ONLY method to find groups, it has worked for us so far and it will continue to work fine for us for years to come.

We don’t need people to come change it, no thank you.

Classic Wrath is on pace to being as successful as Original Wrath with these changes.

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I’ve never seen goalposts move so quickly!

That’s your prerogative if you wanna be a bad group mate. Game is still poppin’.

Another one is the original Wrath pre ICC. Wildly successful.

Again, original Wrath was still wildly successful after 6 months. :blush:

Your not netting 10 million subs off wrath classic lmao. Can’t even pull players from warmane because it’s so bad

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