As a Community, we do not want RDF

Allakhazam is not a verified forum, I was alive and active during that time and the WoW forums had THOUSANDS of threads threatening to unsub and quit over RDF.

Then you have a reading comprehension problem I guess.

How does RDF promote more social interaction vs. looking for people to group with with whispers?

How does taking out any effort in forming a group provide meaningful interactions? All this does is provide non-social players a means to get into dungeons. I mean if that’s how you want to play, then perhaps mmos are not for you.

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NASA could ship you off to the moon and you’d still come back to earth and tell us it’s made of cheese. :roll_eyes:

Ok, provide them to support your claim then

Actually, I hated it when it came out, and left ~Cata when the game no longer felt like an mmo at all but rather an instance generator with mutes.

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the majority of the community? you dont even have a majority of this thread

They removed the old forums including the posts, it’s clear you were still in diapers during that Wrath era as ANYONE who truly played back then will you tell you what it was like.

RDF was what led to the downfall of WoW.

Those without an argument often post more to drown out those with one.

By making that statement you just kinda further that idea.

If you feel like posting, best to stick to a point you want to make, rather than looking like an empty-headed troll.

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Yeah, and they all say that RDF made grouping and doing dungeons more fun.

Yes please. If you wanna go to a BG in Alterac, you better hoof your butt to Aterac.

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Then you are receiving false information, RDF led to a massive subscriber fall off in the original Wrath.

There is a reason why we are NOT repeating the mistakes of the past.

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… “and they all say”

Trolls. You’ll never get your RDF with posts like that lol.


ty for making my point for me … you seem to like to attack people … this is what ruined the social aspect … dont pretend it was RDF it was rude people like you and this poser RDF …

Which you still never provide evidence for.

So finding a group for an out of the way place like say Blackfathom or SFK as alliance is a player problem? Gotcha! We should all just run the instance the “community” sees fit on their schedule? Please…

Also for 4 years you’ve used that LFG channel? Pretty impressive since the classic release date was august of 2019…

And the royal WE? Who the heck are you to tell other players how to spend their time and subscription dollars? The pro RDF crowd has just as much right and voice as the anti crowd in the direction of the game. And if you’re bored enough to alt tab, maybe wow isn’t for you.

Also one final thing, Blizz couldn’t pay me enough to pay a system laden, content slowed, and gdkp and booster infested retail expac. I’ll stay right here and champion for the best version of the game that exists and ALL its features.

The very fact that you call yourself a leader figure when literally in any post you make literally everyone disagrees with you on this forum other than the trolls.

We ask you multiple times in this thread to back up your claims, it is YOUR job to back it up but you keep saying that you don’t have the trust level and which I would assume you do because you post threads, make posts on other threads and give likes which should give you the ability to so but I guess you are using this excuse because you have nothing back up.

RDF was never the reason why retail is in the state that it in, we told you guys this, if the RDF tool was so bad than it would’ve been removed a long time ago.

Like I said I admire your commitment on making BS claims and lies.

Blizzard please bring back the dislike button for threads like these.

If you don’t like getting called out for making nonsense posts, then don’t post em.

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i will post just as much nonsense as you

I’ve posted the charts on this thread MANY times, I do not get paid to educate the uneducated you need to do your research.

Wrong, you have NO movement at all. The game dev himself said a MAJORITY of people did NOT want RDF.

Anyone who is pro-RDF is against Classic WoW and is a enemy to OUR Community.

We want the freedom to choose who we play with while you continue to tear apart our rights and FORCE us to play with randoms in RDF.

RDF brought on LFR and WoW Tokens which I’m sure you also want.

Do us all a favor and go back to Retail.

So what, EVERYONE who disagrees with you is a troll?? Maybe this type of absolute logic is why RDF got removed and no one respects the pro-RDF movement.

If you truly cared about Classic like you said, you would NOT want RDF in our Community.

servers are up time to ding another 70 … maybe you 2 could lvl something to 15 before you come back lol