As a Community, we do not want RDF

Where’s the data on this or are you just making an assumption? From my perspective it looks like quite a few people do want it. Also RDF was in Wrath when Wrath was retail so get over it. You know what breaks immersion? Having to listen to man-children spam about Trump and Biden and conspiracy crap in LFG. If you don’t want RDF then don’t use it

also when are you even gonna post on here on a lvl 65 from classic?

He’s just like the rest of these anti-RDF guys… there are like 5 of them with 20 forum accounts.

How bout using your energy to further your argument instead of resorting to pleb troll comments? Anyone on this forum is subscribed to the game. They don’t need to identify themselves for your approval.

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This is a false point, on Retail with RDF no one looks for dungeon groups instead they spam boosting ads and RMT sites which all came from RDF culture.

LFG chat has worked fine for us for YEARS, we do NOT need to turn into Retail and bring in RDF and ruin our community.

They should have to use LFG chat like the rest of us, if anything give feedback to make the LFG tool better but we do NOT need RDF.

Retail Wrath is NOT the same as Classic Wrath, I posted the proof many times on this thread showing that RDF led to massive unsubs back in the day. We will NOT repeat history, if you want RDF you can go back to Retail.

he only posts from retail but wants to complain about classic

Most of the pro RDF peeps rely on little more than “the majority of us want RDF” as an argument rather than providing any further argument. Much the same of the point you’re trying to make could be said of the pro group as well.

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Do you have a point? Or is that simply the end of your argument?

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Beating a dead horse at this point. I don’t like RDF at all. And we won…there is no RDF in game. It won’t be here on the 26th. Hurray.

But at this point, this is just rubbing it in to the vocal minority of players who really want RDF. Sorry you didn’t make a compelling argument to change Blizz’s mind. It was a good try but fighting against a majority is a tough thing to do.

Wish we could just let this issue die in peace…

look another level 12

Look another undead rogue… wtf?

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The problem is that they will keep whining until they get it, we need to show Blizzard that we NEVER want RDF to come back. We cannot allow Classic to be ruined by these Retail tourists.

retail tourists as you post from a retail lvl 10 … lmao
stop gatekeeping, stop asking to change the game … rdf is coming with uldur … deal with it
RDF was in Wrath … you are the one asking to change the game

Stop being a gatekeeper snowflakes

I’m not talking retail, I’m talking original wrath and trying to recreate that experience as much as possible. And the retail tool isn’t the same as the original wrath tool. But it’s a nice false equivalency. The original RDF didn’t allow you to make any notes, you just picked a dungeon and qued and off you went.

And no lfg isn’t that great, never was. The new tool actually handicaps player by making the stay glued to a refresh button and a chat window. Back in the day we qued and went on our way to quest, grind or gather. Simple and easy. It actually put people back into the world instead of having to stand still to even get a whiff of a group.

Your comments make me wonder if you even actually used the rdf tool back in the day in wrath , or you just followed some streamer who said insta ques are bad, m’kay?

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Just because they’re subbed doesn’t mean they actually play the game. There’s a good chance he doesn’t actually play Classic and is just trying to rile people up. It’s why he’s had posted deleted before.

From what i have seen in all these posts is the same thing from all the people not wanting RDF … they are unsocial bad players that need total control over their ‘community’ or they just cant play the game … so sad … wrong game for you … maybe Epic Mickey is more your speed

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Retail Wrath and Classic Wrath are two DIFFERENT games with DIFFERENT communities.

If you want to experience Retail Wrath you can go play Timewalking on Retail but OUR community does NOT need RDF.

It does no such thing, if you find yourself glued and refreshing that is a player problem and not a design problem.

I find groups very quickly and LFG chat has supported my server for 4 years and counting.

I understand you want RDF badly but we do NOT encourage that sort of AFK and alt-tab culture in OUR community.

If you want to truly indulge in that then you can take your back to Retail where you belong.

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i dont play retail you do

Wrong, by supporting RDF you also support LFR, WoW Tokens and RMT Boosting ALL of that started with the introduction of RDF.

Like I said, there’s a game for that called Retail you would fit into. The Classic community does NOT need it.

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Here is a thread from December 9th 2009 when the 3.3.0 hit live servers back on the Website Allakhazam.


At level 80, the speed at which you fill a group is a great improvement.

However, one of the overlooked facets of this new feature is the lower level dungeons.

I am currently leveling a paladin, on a whim I decided to queue for a dungeon. What I didn’t know is that for the first dungeon you run every day you are rewarded. The reward is some xp, and a bag with loot in it. This loot is a blue quality item of your level that you can use.

I queued for a dungeon as a tank, having never tanked before, hit the AH bought a 1 hander and a shield and off I went.

INSTANT group fill. Told my group which was running SM GY that I had never tanked before, so bear with me. End of the run they all gave me props at doing a great job, I got some shiny new mail gloves and half a bar of XP from the run to boot.

Blizzard has outdone themselves with this new LFG system, it’s insanely awesome.

Wow, it’s almost like the players who played World of Warcraft back in 2009 loved the new RDF tool that Blizzard introduced. OP you are just flat out wrong, go back and look at the old forums with players who actually played.