As a Community, we do not want RDF

Classic and Retail are NOT the same, introducing RDF would cause millions to unsub just like it did in original Wrath.

I speak for the SILENT MAJORITY, there is a reason why RDF got removed and why you’re on the losing side. Accept reality.

Multiple graphs show wrath holding subs. They plummeted in cata.

Vanilla era servers are right there

Back in the day of the original Wrath (not the bastardized copy we have now), I would run a random daily everyday on my tank. Didn’t care who I got grouped with, didn’t care which instance. I came in said hello, everyone ready and got down to business. Also said thanks all at the end of the run.
But now if we’re stuck with this poor excuse for a tool, I’ll gate keep peeps that annoy the crap out of me. So, so much for community and civil society.
Also RDF wasn’t the decline of WOW. That fault lies with poor stories, on rails leveling, and the removal of as much player agency as possible in the name of increased MAU’s.

These graphs come from unverified sources, I have posted the graphs here many times that prove otherwise.

this is what you said “As a Community, we do not want RDF” and I am part of the Community, I am just fine with it

They’re as verified as your sources.

Go back to vanilla if you don’t want rdf

The whole point of LFG tool is to give people the ability to pick who they play with, removing my right to play with who I want while forcing me to play with randoms is NOT going to happen.

We want social interaction and RDF kills that.

Maybe when Wrath Season of Mastery comes out you can have RDF but we will NOT have it on live servers, deal with it and accept reality.

It’s almost like we’re rewatching history.

Blizzard added RDF back in 2009 to deal with dead or dying servers. Now we’re going to be in WotLK with dead/dying servers and we’re going to get RDF to solve the same problem it did in the past.

Too bad Blizzard didn’t solve the problem of dead/dying servers not finding groups in the past…oh wait.

It led to even more dead and dying servers, plenty of proof shows RDF caused massive subscriber loss back in the day.

Sure. As soon as you realize that blizzard doesn’t deal in absolutes

I hope you get a forum vacation. Your name is literally the topic you’re trolling about.

So, I understand a lot of you are shut-ins IRL and probably have 0 life experience…

And most of you are arguing 0 valid points… literally doing what I’m doing… (waiting for wraith).

You cannot run a dungeon AFK… soooo a Tool that helps the grouping process be faster cannot be a negative…

but force locking me to sit in trade/lfg chat for an hour messaging 50 people “rogue invite” is not “community”… and just bad game design.


If you don’t like it, can you take me to dungeons? I haven’t been able to since SM.

You’re right, they listen to the MAJORITY which don’t want RDF. Stop trying to impose your minority views on the majority of the playerbase, no one wants RDF except for like you 10 trolls on this thread.

Post got flagged twice and came back up, I thought you were trying to advocate for peace and unity not trying to silence those with a different opinion.

Kinda seems like you’re losing the argument so you move to your authoritarian views.

No that is social interaction, I should be able to decide who gets in my group and who doesn’t. RDF forces me to play with strangers, you are infringing on my right to decide who I play with.

1 troll does not a majority make.

I represent the SILENT MAJORITY, there is a reason why RDF got removed and the lead dev said a MAJORITY of people supported it. If anything you are the troll for not being able to cope with reality and bringing back a tool no one wanted.

[quote=“Rdf-daggerspine, post:1473, topic:1342717, full:true”]

The whole point of LFG tool is to give people the ability to pick who they play with, removing my right to play with who I want while forcing me to play with randoms is NOT going to happen.

We want social interaction and RDF kills that.

Here’s the little point you guys always conveniently omit. If you don’t like it don’t use it… Shocking I know that anti’s should do what they want to do with out forcing their objections on the rest of “community”. As for social interaction, we have guilds and server discords. I don’t need or want it in a dungeon beyond getting the job done.

you represent no one but your self

Nor does your vocal minority constitute a majority.

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You can still do this with a tool added for people who do not want to do this… and stop before you reply “but nobody will join me without RDF” because thats not a valid counter argument.

Also most of us… even with RDF will be running with our guilds (community) most of the expansion… RDF helps casual players and exploring alternate characters after you’ve geared your main.