As a Community, we do not want RDF

I think proper feedback is to provide suggestions to improve LFG, instead these people’s only feedback is to remove it which makes no sense as RDF will never come back.

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Yea but with you the thing is…you think you do but you don’t :slight_smile:

Just a bunch of slaves to convenience with small minds who can’t imagine an alternative group finder than one that existed in 2010…

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exactly. Well said RDF. You handsome human warrior, what kara do you hail from?

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The LFG tool is no better with social interactions. It just adds more steps to the process. Stop trying to speak to all the players on classic mr lvl 10 warrior.

Okay then remove the Queue feature for BGs as well, if you really want this to be “Classic” they should have to run to the NPC and queue from there too. They can go farm/gather and queue for BGs. So why can’t people farm/gather and queue for Dungeons. Solo leveling isn’t a social interaction. Neither is spamming LFG channel or looking in group finder.

I don’t get what the big deal is about adding RDF feature, you act like everyone will stop playing, or this will “ruin” social interactions.

Right now while leveling a character, if all of your old friends that used to play, don’t play anymore, all you can do is go out grinding quests and wait for mobs to respawn, because most people can’t find a dungeon and are all forced to quest from 1-58.

I’d rather be leveling via dungeons and ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME WITH PEOPLE.

The dungeon finder tool/ spamming /LFG over and over looking for group doesn’t seem like a great social interaction to me, and not to mention most of the time I can’t even find a group.

This was the main reason RDF was added, to actually allow people to find a group and do dungeons. Right now it’s like that part of the game is not even accessible to me and I’m forced to just go quest which I’m absolutely burnt out of.

And cool for your friends that will unsub. I will do the same thing if the RDF isn’t added soon. 15$ a month and I can’t even access part of the game (Dungeons) because groups are insanely hard to find if you’re not on a mega realm, and some people threaten to unsub if RDF is added, giving Blizzard less incentive to add it.

I’ve leveled too many times already and I’m bored of doing all these quests again for the millionth time.

RDF isn’t a “retail” feature, (Yes I know it’s in retail) but it’s a quality of life improvement. You can still have a fine social interaction with RDF implemented.

Actually you can argue that you have a lot more chances to have social interactions since you’ll be getting into a lot more dungeons with people while leveling. And right now people barely even speak when I get into dungeons with them, since were all focused on leveling and its still so slow even with the 50% buff.

If RDF isn’t added and heirlooms are, I doubt many people will even want to level a character again. After this 50% Joyous Journeys buff is gone, leveling is going to be even slower, and the fact that the heirlooms will only give 20-25% bonus exp still means there’s only another week with “fast” leveling.

On my server, it’s hard enough to find a dungeon group while leveling. Past midnight I’m lucky if I see one dungeon group in the group finder tool. I usually just log off because there’s nobody to play with.

Yeah great social interactions, questing by yourself, trying to tag mobs before other people, because they usually won’t make a party due to “losing exp” from kills and then waiting for them to respawn if you they’re all dead…

Dear Blizzard, if you want to encourage people to play with each other, you need to remove the exp penalty of being in a group with others. And yeah if they’re able to level faster in a group (because kills give the same exp) then so what, you should be rewarded for playing with others, not penalized.

And I understand that you can kill faster even in a group of two, but the fact that you receive less exp per kill, just makes it feel like a exp penalty for partying up.

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Mate why are you still here? I went to sleep like 8 hours ago and here you are still replying to people…

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Ever heard of time zones kid? Plus I too took an 8 hour nap.

As some who left WoW to join FF14 (only to return to WoW again), I can tell you that not only does FF14 have a LOT of good social interaction, but it also has RDF, LFR, LFG, and Scenario tools that did NOT cause the downfall of the game or the community.

The difference is that FF14 is a very non-toxic community where WoW has become too toxic to be recovered.


you say so cause i supports ur hypocritical point of view. youre so dilusional its not even funny.

apples to apples would be it was in wrath already dude. another dilusional andy that doesnt even realize the downfall of wow. (hint…cataclysm)

Blizzard also said flying was never coming back in WoD.

Never doesn’t mean anything to blizzard

Well let’s go over the list

Cross realm enabled? Both

Teleports you to your instance? Both

Automatically fills your group? Both

Yep. Totally different things. 4head

With an attitude like that, I’m surprised you manage to get any kind of a group… I mean, with your attitude of my way or the highway, it really wouldn’t be a fun group. So yeah for you maybe no RDF, but for the rest of us sure!

These are two completely unrelated scenarios.

I am a leader figure not only on these forums but in game as well in m Community, I can get into groups just fine.

If we all had to use LFG chat then you have to as well, RDF is a cheap and dangerous tool that will turn us into Retail and destroy our Classic society.

No. Theyre both claiming to be absolutes when blizzard has clearly shown absolutes mean nothing to them.

Especially when the community screams loud enough.

Seems the community (forums) wants RDF?

Clearly there is not a loud enough scream as it got removed, they even admitted a majority of people did not want it.

That person copied my entire post and reworded it with the title included, I take it as a compliment. But also as a sign of no creativity which is about what I expect from a crowd of people who cry over a literal AFK feature.

You can copy all my posts you want, you are NOT getting RDF back.

Getting flying back took two patches. Give it time.

Blizzard has proven never means nothing to them. I’ll enjoy your tears when it’s implemented

speak for yourself