As a Community, we do not want RDF

What if I tell you that YOU are not that whole community? and the other community wants to have RDF in WotLK Classic?

once again, WotLK dungeons are not the same as TBC and Vanilla dungeons, that’s the only difference.

[quote=“Rdf-daggerspine, post:1420, topic:1342717, full:true”]

Classic Community is different, they don’t have to do any of that as most of these people buy gold and GDKP/boost anyways. They will 100% just AFK in Dala and alt-tab just like Retail.

so this is supposed to be ok? buying gold from third party websites is highly against ToS and the same for the RMT GDKP’s i mean you really believe this is fine for classic and not damaging to the game as a whole? i find that will ruin the game aspect much more in the long run honestly.

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More successful? There is literally no way for blizzard to recapture 14 million subs when they’ve only managed to hold 2-3million with classic and retail combined. That’s even the MAU’s they themselves reported each quarter.

They also didn’t have a decline until mid-late Cata. They did not have a decline in wrath.

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Dungeon are meant to be ran for loot. The group is a means to an end. I’m not out to be buddies with every group I’m in.

Count me in that group. LFR can die


yep, but assuming that RDF automatically leads to LFR is a fatally flawed argument from the anti RDF crowd, they dont realize that most of us will be ANTI LFR

For a Cataclysm Classic, it would be the only thing that has to die, not the RDF

What social interactions? You mean the social interactions that led to TBC getting deleted? Oh joy yeah great social interactions!

LFR was added near the very end of Cataclysm and was meant for Mists of Pandaria. The population was hard dropping well before LFR was added into the game.

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Yes because people gatekeeping you based on your speck because you’re not optimal in saying they’re in trade chat spamming and then you have to inspect your whoever you invite to actually make sure they’re specked for the role they quing as in the current group finder we have yeah better system OK.

That is not social interaction people don’t make friends in dungeons well at least most people don’t it’s generally through raids I’ve found or sad to say gdkps Like it or not that’s The player base we have in 2022.

then why do we have que from anywhere BGs? Hope you all ready to download gearscore again cause if you are not at least 3000 points you not getting in my heroic group


Gear score I think it might be past that a lot of people are probably just going to ask you for your logs at this point.

Or both at this point so yes actually it could probably be worse because you’re going to have the people looking at your logs for a bloody heroic or they’re gonna ask for gear score or both at this point.

No never mind the fact that heroics are extremely easy and it’s not that big of a deal but you know yeah that’s what’s gonna happen.

Nah I’ll def gearscore gatekeep LFG groups out of spite

Well aren’t we lucky to be playing with people like you Which is another aspect yeah people are gonna be jerked just for the sake of being jerks Which by the way is not something new That was there during vanilla.

That’s not something that LFD Made possible that’s just something with people that’s not the system’s Fault

thats retail mentality. i cant change that.

This is false, by accepting LFD you are accepting LFR, we have seen history.

Clearly I represent the SILENT MAJORITY as RDF is removed while you keep complaining for it to come back.

False I have already provided evidence for this, I predict we will have similar subscribers to original Wrath if we keep going at this pace.


However, players who are absolutely keen on item swapping and want it to be as simple and automated as possible love such tools.
They just want to go in, do their thing, and come out with a bag of gems 24/7.

That’s why these types of players find RDF so great. You only have to press one button and then lay the bosses without comment with the other 4/9/19 felt NPCs. So that this also works well, best still gear hurdles build in and other control structures.
Oh and let’s not forget the locked runs. 1 player uses the others for his own purposes. I praise systems where I can completely avoid this kind of group play and just do my character development through items completely in singleplayer mode. It’s no different but much more relaxed.

Wow, you are delusional. 10 million subscribers will not return. If you were to count every player of WoW retail, Classic, Everyone Private server, FFXIV, Guild Wars 2 and Black Desert combined. You still would not get 14 million subscribers.

If you read blue posts on server population that the Devs have released, we haven’t even made it to 1 million MAU’s.

FF14 is one of the biggest MMOs, Classic alone is in the millions along with a Retail.

You honestly just sound like someone who doesn’t like MMOs, very negative and bitter.

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I think people who want RDF really just want an improved LFG tab that makes finding a group easier.

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