As a Community, we do not want RDF

This is all you can say, you can repeat it as much as you want, it doesn’t mean it’ll become true. Keep on trolling.

Dungeon Finder is the “Looking for Dungeon” (LFD) system Blizzard introduced in patch 3.3.0.
we are going there in exactly 6 days. welcome to classic .




raid finder was implemented in 5.0.4 aka mist of kung fu panda, so im giving YOU this only point.

if you have made the difference in the og post, the post would have gone a whole different way

It already came true, there is NO RDF while you make pointless comments about bringing it back. Keep coping.

Classic Wrath will be MORE successful than Retail Wrath with NO RDF. RDF led to original Wrath losing millions of subscribers.

Theres a lot of people that do want it, stop trying to represent a “classic community”

Clearly not enough want it as it got REMOVED. I represent the SILENT MAJORITY, we WILL keep RDF out of our game as it is harmful to OUR Community.

RDF is not useful and it is a RETAIL Feature. If you want to play Retail you can go play Retail, stop trying to kill OUR Classic community.

actually RDF came in patch 3.3.4 which was introduced shortly after icc opened up and was active for a year which was a majority of the time during the content drought therefore not a “Retail” feature as it was originally included into WOTLK. however i do agree we should have it at a later phase for end game dungeons but i would prefer having it in place for people who wanna level through 15-70. also if you wanna talk about “Retail” tools that are currently in WOTLK Pre-Patch you have BG que from anywhere. you have dual spec. you have a WHOLE host of changes from that same bluepost saying what you said in your OP. so why are you ok with all these other changes? especially bg que from anywhere which wasnt introduced in wrath until 3.3.0 and random bg’s which was introduced at the same time. why is it that only pvp players get QOL and thats ok but not the other whole half of the game? other than this poorly thought out LFG tool that is janky and needs to be better implemented. also im fine either RDF or this LFG tool if the tool worked and people didnt use the LFG channel to talk politics/useless stuff not even related to what the channel is supposed to be for. so what are some ways you can think of to improve the current grouping tool we have? lets have an adult conversation about this?

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wow lost tons of people , because the game strayed from its original path. raid finder is definitly not a wotlk concept i will give oyu that point like i said but cross server group finder was there and it worked wonders, and it allowed players tho actually do something else than spend their days lfg.

And if raid finder can actually destroy the petty childish toxic abusive behavior from the mass that are preventing peopel from raiding, why the hell should it be avoided?

When they released rdf in original wrath the lfg chat existed side by side with it. You got to choose which one to use. No one forced you to use rdf. Everyone got to choose and 90% of the people when given a choice chose to use rdf most of the time. It was extremely popular then and would be equally popular now.

Then don’t use it. Use the new tool or the lfg chat channel


These ideas and techniques sound familiar… I bet you’re a red hat wearer too

There is a difference between RETAIL Wrath and CLASSIC Wrath, these are NOT the same games OR communities.

We have direct proof showing as soon as RDF release in Retail Wrath, it led to MILLIONS of people unsubbing. I have posted this graph many times on this thread alone.

Blizzard removed it to prevent repeating the same mistake in Classic, it was not needed then and it is NOT needed now.

The LFG tool is superior imo to RDF, it allows you to access LFG chat which promotes a lot of social interaction and if used correctly can land you into guilds and many different situations that RDF will not give you.

We need to work on giving better feedback on the LFG tool, the feedback should not be to remove but promoting it and making it superior to RDF.

As in basically just AFK in Dala all day, alt-tabbed while queueing for dungeons all day long.

RDF lead to LFR, if you want RDF you are essentially asking for LFR.

I played back in the day, NO ONE USED THE CHAT. Stop spreading this false news, if RDF comes out you and I both know people will be tempted to use it.

LFG Chat should be the ONLY way people can find groups, it is fair and the best method of finding players.

i lived by that! god never had so much fun grouping with players from other servers as well, that was actually the most fun i had . dont get me wrong i was on bloodhoof back then, the community was fire! but when nothing is going on or most of the server has their heroics done… rdf was a god damn savior!

idk i didnt pay attention to those who were afk, dailies, farming working my chars to work their profession, theres a billions way to stay active while in queue. not my fauklt if you never knew how to stay busy inthe game

Cherry picking features to fit your perfect little classic andy world, like I said.

The sky won’t fall if RDF is added. RDF was a WRATH feature.

Classic Community is different, they don’t have to do any of that as most of these people buy gold and GDKP/boost anyways. They will 100% just AFK in Dala and alt-tab just like Retail.

It led to the DOWNFALL of WoW, RDF directly leads to LFR and WoW Tokens. We do NOT need it.

did you not see that i said i was fine with using the LFG tool if it wasnt as Janky as it is now and also would you really be opposed to having at least the RDF for the people who dont wanna do the long boring quest grind for 70 levels at least for the 15-70 grind or if the 15-70 is too much how about just the 15-60? i dont see any issues with that as it should not affect the majority of the players that dont want the RDF as it has nothing to do with end game content and can actually help boost the socializing in that bracket of players by including more players into it? i dont think thats truly unfair to ask for? im all for having at least the LFG tool for 70-80 or even 60-80 thats fine.

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When they make Season of Mastery for Wrath they can do RDF, I just don’t think it will work well on the main servers.

Raid finder led to the downfall, not RDF.

They are both linked together, one lead to the other.

that their problem and not mine. and again, if it offends you, like i said earlyer. theres always retails. no one will try to hold you back.

Doesn’t mean it will happen here. I’d say its VERY safe to say that a big part of the pro RDF group will be ANTI LFR, myself included.