As a Community, we do not want RDF

Fixed it for ya

LFG chat is the opposite of forcing anyone to do anything, if I find your parses and gear not desirable then you can stay looking for a group unless I happen to run a GDKP in which case i’ll be more than happy to take your gold and give you gear and if you’re good enough take you for raids.

LFG chat promotes social growth, RDF kills it.

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I’ve always hated it and haven’t used it since 2019 because I wasn’t able to play, but keep speaking for me. You forget that RDF was a feature in Wrath because you want this to be Burger King have it classic andys way.

There is a difference between RETAIL Wrath with RDF that killed the game vs. CLASSIC Wrath with NO RDF that will save the game.

If you like Retail that’s fine but don’t try to ruin Classic Wrath for us.

You’re playing a time capsule game, this isn’t saving anything. Enjoy the game as it was or don’t. This ain’t anything but a fun little nostalgia trip

Season of Mastery is right there for you classic andy.


There is something called Timewalking on Retail, if you want to play a time capsule you can go there. Classic Wrath will NOT follow the footsteps of Retail Wrath.

You can go play Timewalking then and RDF to your heart’s content, in Classic there will be NO RDF. WE the Community will make sure of it.

actually i do, since most people on pagle dont group outisde of raids and only to ninjaloot those who are in the raid by changing ninja looting for on reserver or OOPSIE or by doing gdkp, having a wider choice to group is always a good thing. considering theres almost 60k alliance player its not a bad thing.

also im part of the community and i say that we must keep a more functionnal dungeon or raid finder than that worthless piece of junk we have been given.

This will kill server identity if Cross Realm RDF comes out, no thank you. I am on a Mega Server and we do our best to stay vigilant against ninja looters and toxic player, we don’t need cross realm.

Dude, cmon… the trolling is way too on the nose here lol

Reality is that you’re so investing in trolling that you went to a dead retail server to create a character named RDF so you can troll here around.

Your character lifetime and this amount of post I wonder if everything is ok in your life right now to spend so much time fighting something good. That tells me that you’re a really bad person in your life, and the reason you have so much time to spend in the forums is because you have no one waiting for you and nothing else to do.


Cool, you admit you’re a gatekeeper for a video game. So why should we listen to an entitled payer like you anymore other than to troll you with logic?

You haven’t seen the Mythic+ section of Retail have you? There are more groups forming in there than get formed through Classic LFG.

Yes, this happens. Guilds aren’t a guarantee that people are going to be running dungeons all the time. RDF provides a hastle-free alternative to the broken LFG system.

People do use it, I use it too. I don’t like it because it’s near impossible to sort through the constant spam. Not to mention the trolls who use it as a channel to be idiots. Then you have people who join as roles they don’t play, wasting the time of people who want to use the LFG tool properly.

Just because YOU think its good, doesn’t mean everyone should use it. Stop FORCING us to use a terrible and broken system.

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fine i will use the LFG as soon as i report all the people spamming LFG chat channel with things other than its intended purpose as we signed a social contract when first logging into wow when they updated it to include not posting things not relevant to the channel

not my problem. youre offended that peopel are trying to set something usefull in the game for once? you can always go back to retail if your enot happy. no will miss you, no one will try to stop you and more importantly no one will care if you go back to retail.

It’s not trolling, we understand how the automated report system works. It’s very easy to get bad actors banned at a whim if we choose they no longer fit our vision for the server.

Sorry but going with personal insults on an MMO forum is very pathetic and is irrelevant to the discussion, if you continue with this useless line of conversation and not addressing the main post then I will have to report you and block you.

Lol gatekeeper, imagine being that obtuse. You want to remove my right to play with people I want to, YOU are the entitled one.

It really doesn’t, you should focus on making the current LFG tool better instead of whining about RDF which you will NEVER get.

Learn to be productive and give good fedback.

Please do report them, we must make LFG chat great again and maintain our LFG tool as it will become better than the RDF too if we provide enough quality feedback.

RDF is not useful and it is a RETAIL Feature. If you want to play Retail you can go play Retail, stop trying to kill OUR Classic community.

the social contract isnt respected at all. proof players use discord to group. raid or event ban players that dont obey the flocks emotionnal feeling fragility.

ITT: Troll OP concerned about “server identity” on his mega server


You want to remove our CHOICE of having an option. Having it in doesn’t magically stop you from creating your own groups, no matter how much you repeat yourself like a broken record.

Want proof? Retail. M+ requires you make your own group, you can’t just RDF it. People are still gonna make their own groups to gatekeep like you do, or to have cherry picked classes to not compete for loot.

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dungeon finder was implemented in wotlk :wink: hence its not retail :wink: you can go back under the sewer gate you crawled out from

Every server has an identity, you just seem to not care as you are a Retail tourist.

Go back to where you came from.

Wrong, by putting in RDF you are making me not have a choice in who I play with. People will only use RDF if it comes out due to the AFK nature of gameplay, LFG chat will be made useless when it should be ONLY tool anyone can use.

It was implemented in RETAIL Wrath, it is NOT the same as CLASSIC Wrath.