As a Community, we do not want RDF

“We as a community”

Thread clearly shows 1400 replies of everyone wanting RDF except maybe 3 people. Well done OP.

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He’s been on this thread replying since 9am this morning. He’s dedicated. It’s really alarming.

This is far from the truth.

I want OWNERSHIP of my party, this means that I want to decide who gets in and who doesn’t.

RDF removes my ability to pick who I want to play with.

Do you HONESTLY believe that forcing me to play with 4 random people is somehow supposed to increase my social likability for people??

You cannot FORCE Social Interaction, that alone shows that you RDF people are looking to remove the rights from Classic players and turn this game into a literal AFK Lobby Simulator.

Take your RDF and go back to Retail where you and that system belong.

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Yes we do.

You just proved my point. You want to keep OWNERSHIP (aka CONTROL) over picking who you run with. You want to exclude those you do not deem “worthy” of grouping with you.

You can still form groups on your own. Jump into the custom group finder and recruit from there. Just because other people want to group with randoms does not remove your ability to choose, it just moves you into a different area to do it.

As for “social likeability”… There’s nothing that can change personal preferences… That’s a you problem, not an us problem.

In part I actually agree with you. You can’t force social interaction.

RDF doesn’t take any “rights” (you have no actual rights in the video game) from toxic gatekeepers like you. It just gives players more of a choice in how they consume the content they paid for.

As for the “AFK Lobby”… This already exists with LFG. People just AFK in a city and spam LFG with requests. So your point here is moot already.

Not going to happen. I played retail when Shadowlands dropped, left for a while, came back in the recent patch, caught up on content, and then decided to play resume playing Classic as I enjoyed Wrath the first time and intend to do so again, RDF or no RDF.

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No one is stopping you from playing with people who you want to play with. Or are you saying this, the people you want to play with want nothing to do with you once RDF hits.

Clearly not enough of you want it, a majority of the community did not want it hence it’s removal.

Yes this is what I mean, I want to decide who stays and who doesn’t. Taking that right away from people is dumb, you will not win anyone over by infringing on our rights.

This is false ideas you’re propogating, in Retail no one forms their own groups for things that RDF can do because given the option to AFK people will do that and custom groups will become barren.

Even if you run with guildies you will run out of pugs to choose from if one of them can’t make it because most will default to that RDF AFK system.

It should never be put into the game, LFG chat is fine and EVERYONE should use it.

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Nothing stopping you from using LFG still, YOU are the one forcing me to sift through the slog of LFG chat, get invited to groups I didn’t sign up for through the tool and be asked to play roles I didn’t sign up as.

“I can’t hard rez my trinket anymore, RDF bad!”

“I will be FORCED to use RDF because nobody wants to group with me and my hard rez anymore!”

Honestly, feels like it.

I just checked and everyone wants RDF, only trolls are posting against it.

You have been using it since 2019 when Classic dropped, you didn’t complain then and any complaint now is just laughable. LFG chat is FINE, it serves it’s purpose and creates a very social environment.

Reality shows it’s not there, reality also shows Brian the game dev said a MAJORITY of people didn’t want it. Keep coping, one day you’ll wake up and realize what’s real and what’s fantasy in your head.

Vanilla didn’t have RDF. TBC didn’t have RDF. Wrath did.

Shocker, imagine people wanting wrath for wrath.

RETAIL Wrath had RDF and look how horrible that turned out, it led to LFR, RMT boosting and WoW tokens. All tools of convenience that corrupted that community.

CLASSIC Wrath will NOT have RDF, not now and not ever. We will NOT repeat the mistakes of the past.

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Troll detected

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You mean minority

Every poll that has been done about RDF the side that wants it in the game always beats the crying snowflakes that dont want it.


Trolls, you mean trolls lol

The only troll is the people who find LFG chat to be bad, we’ve used it for 4 years now and counting, it does NOT need to be removed or replaced by RDF.

RDF is in Retail, you can go over there if you want it so badly.

Funny because RDF is NOT in the game despite all your fake polls and false information. The Lead Dev even tweeted out saying a MAJORITY of players wanted it out.

No you don’t

And its been the least enjoyable part of running group content and has led to the “LFM, __ HR” culture that anyone on a living server is more than familiar with

There is nothing wrong with that culture, it allows you to choose who you want to play with. Imagine trying to FORCE people to play with you via RDF, it literally will create more problems than it solves yet you somehow find that acceptable.

Just admit that no one wants to group with you, that’s why you hate LFG chat.

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