As a Community, we do not want RDF

Rofl Classic Andy supreme, find something important to get this upset about.

lfm mgt H shard and mount is HR! need tank and healer

I’d rather select whose in my group than me FORCED into a group.

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you dont have a guild or any friends? what happened to ur community?


I have the biggest friend circle here but we all know that bringing in RDF means everyone will default to that and forming your groups will become difficult, it promotes AFK gameplay.

Everyone should use the LFG chat, THAT is social interaction and is far safer for our community than RDF.

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Dude shut up with this cringe stuff. Who says things like this?

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Community has been dead for a while even without RDF.

Ninja’ing and trolling is culturally acceptable and more people are entertained by sowing the seeds of chaos more than ever.
Black listing does nothing, you can still be the biggest piece of trash on the server and it not affect your ability to get raids and groups.

We have GDKP so we can be as toxic as we want and more people are pugging than ever. The community and experience you are trying to recreate for 2004-08 is dead and not coming back.

RDF will not affect any of that, people enjoy being toxic more than making friends because it is more enjoyable. My entire trade chat spends more time talking about social politics than they actually play the game. I have buddies that live on the game to just make people mad.

Your past is dead.

What’s cringe is people like you coming from Retail and trying to ruin Classic.

YOUR community is dead without RDF.

My community is thriving, we have new recruits to our guild all the time and we run successful GDKPs weekly as well as helping gear out our players for Wrath.

My server despite being a Mega Server has fostered a very active and vigilant community that it’s best to help new players.

RDF will bring in a new crowd of Retail people who will cheat, lie and steal from our Classic players and since it is cross realm no one will be held accountable.

No thank you.

LFG chat is plenty fine for YOU and for EVERYONE else.

We will NOT have RDF not now, not EVER. Deal with it.

I don’t play retail, I jump from private servers back to classic intermittently. Private servers are oddly better managed than the crapshoot that is blizzard.

Good to hear your experience speaks for everyone. I am also on a Mega-server Grobb. We can literally ninja, harass and troll here with no repercussions thanks to pugging and GDKP.

You enjoy the copium and denial though. I honestly don’t care if it’s in the game or not because it doesn’t affect me since I have premade groups and raids. I live in my guilds bubble so it matters not to me.

I just enjoy chatting with delusional people on the forums.

I am on a bigger server than you and there are low lives who also ninja, harass and troll and we actively mass report them to autoban them.

YOU might be a part of that group of people, i’m not.

“My MeGa SeRvEr Is BiGgEr ThAn YoUrs!”

That’s cool bro.

Speak for yourself, if you think “can i get a summon plz” is socializing.


It quite literally is.

Ive been seeing very mixed responses on this.
I want RDF in wotlk.

LFG chat is far more socialization than RDF which is basically AFK booster gameplay.

And a majority of people don’t.

We get it already- the anti-RDF community is bigger than the pro-RDF community. And you’ve already won the battle…there is no RDF in the game.

But can we just let this topic go please? You won already…

We will let it go when the entire pro-RDF movement disappears, until then they are a looming threat over the future of Classic and we CANNOT allow RDF to ever enter into Classic as that will ruin the entire game.

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Its not but you keep telling yourself that.

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You seem disillusioned, you are forcing me to play with randoms instead of picking my own party via LFG chat.

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No, you want to keep power in your hands and gate-keep every part of the end game so that only “the elite” aka those with no lives and have dedicated too many years and too much money to a game they think they have the entitled right to be the rulers of.

RDF is a boon to the Classic players, taking Heroic endgame dungeons out of the hands of GearScore lovers, gear checkers, and picky people who want to cherry-pick groups so they can take it easy and get carried or run everything in mere minutes.

RDF allows all people to learn, grow, gain skills, and gear up properly so that they have a chance to raid, gear alts for guilds, and not have to populate mega-servers in order to do content that they paid for.

RDF helps players level alts, and as the game gets bigger, it helps lower level dungeons to stay viable and active through cross-server connections.

RDF does not take all control from the toxic classic community when it comes to raids. You can still be the gatekeepers that you love to be. Raiding will still have requirements by either being a part of a guild, or you can add your beloved “Link AOTC” achievements in order for others to carry you through raids.

While the anti-RDF “community”, aka the toxic Mythic+ hardcores from retail, are the most vocal on the forums, there is a quickly growing part of the community that sees that RDF brings more to the game than it removes.

Stop using “RDF kills social interaction” as a reason to deny people from playing part of the game. Social interaction is dead in classic, just like it is in retail. Outside of the constant LFG spam, conversations don’t happen in the game world, they happen in guild chats, party chat (sometimes. Groups formed in LFG rarely talk anyway), or on Discord.

If you want to threaten unsubbing, Blizzard doesn’t care. WoW is not the biggest money spinner for the company anymore. WoW makes less than mobile games for them. CoD outpaces WoW almost 10 to 1. What’s $15 less per month to them? Nothing, just like you.