As a Community, we do not want RDF

Already provided MANY times, I don’t get paid to educate the uneducated you can go find it.

That doesn’t prove what you think it does.

Proves exactly what I set out to, wow reached its peak 12 million sub count post RDF.

Here’s the previous launch

11.5 mil

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My point was it dropped right after RDF came out which was proven many times, we have proof for this you don’t have to try and rewrite history.

I think its the loud MINORITY. Almost EVERY person I have talked to says otherwise. All the others dont have an opinion.

Well RDF is no longer and the Dev said he had a MAJORITY of people tell him to do it, so clearly you and the people you talk to are the minority.

The sub count didn’t drop until Cata. RDF released October 8th, 2009. The sub started to drop in December 2010.

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Wrong, you were probably in diapers during Wrath with misinformation like that. As I said we have many charts in this thread alone to disprove that, I am a veteran gamer from that time period and RDF absolutely killed off any hype Wrath had near the end causing many to leave.

It was not a feature we needed then and it’s not a feature we need now.

Given that during Wrath I was 10, I wasn’t in diapers that’s for sure. I played in the same time period as you. WoW is better with RDF. The social aspect that you are so desperate to hold on to, can be achieved even with RDF.

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You never read that anywhere. You’re just making up another story. Mythic+ dungeons don’t have a random queue tool because they are designed to be very hard and need specific group comps.

We don’t want retail features. We want wrath features that were in wrath.


These troglodytes don’t understand that, they’d rather beat rocks together and finger paint with their s*** pulled from loincloths

I mean, considering the only announced subs in 2008 and then again in 2010 and didn’t announce in between, that’s nothing you can prove.

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You have never posted a single graph on these forums at all. You’re just lying. It’s pathological with you. I don’t think you’re able to stop yourself.

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Thanks for admitting you were too young to know anything, now it makes sense why you’re very misinformed.

It is very easy to see a fall off, I understand this is concerning news for you since you can’t peddle your fake news but RDF was absolutely what led to the downfall of WoW as it led to LFR/WoW Tokens/etc.

You can keep that over in Retail where it belongs, Classic Wrath is NOT the same as Retail Wrath. We are playing a SUPERIOR version with NO RDF.

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I was there, I remember when it launched, everyone on my server loved it.

I wasn’t some young kid, I was 23

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This ignorant troll statement, are you even trying to act like you have a real opinion?

Pretty sure you can’t afk clear a dungeon… and its 100% fact that hitting queue allows me to do more things while I wait than actively parsing through LFG spam and whispering 50 people stuckin town so I can watch trade chat for possible groups as well.

Use your head child.

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You and your friends are certainly entitled to your opinion, and no one is forcing you to maintain your subscription. With that said, you certainly don’t represent the entire Wotlk Classic community as a whole. There are countless threads, replies, etc. that advocate for RDF.

If they decide to implement it – you don’t have to use it. You can unsub, go back to retail, or just play your own way. It’s not really hurting anyone.

Anyway, good luck out there

RDF kills social interaction, there is a reason why you are not on Retail and why you play Classic.

It allows people to turn into zombies and just AFK all day in cities while promoting boosting and eventually it’ll lead to LFR which will further reduce our game quality.

If you want RDF you can go to Retail where you belong.

I represent the SILENT MAJORITY. There is a reason why despite all your threads they removed RDF, they even said a MAJORITY of players supported it.

You are in the minority if you want RDF, we do not need it in our game and it is an absolute troll take to demand it after we see all the damage it did.

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I’ve not created any threads. There’s no point to it really. Up until today, I’ve not even commented on them. I’ve just been bored and finally cracked and decided to reply.

I’m curious though – if it’s a silent majority – how do you know it exists? I mean… I can say I represent the silent majority of players who want butterflies as a playable race – it doesn’t make it true.

I guess my whole point is that this big argument back and forth on the forums is just silly. People like what they like. I don’t think you or anyone else is going to change their mind just by saying they’re wrong and your preferences are superior.

Take care, and happy hunting.

It exists because of this reason: