As a Community, we do not want RDF

No, it isn’t. Can you quote where you THINK I said this?

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The very fact that RDF is NOT in the game and will NEVER be in the game proves that we are in fact Leader Figures.


If you want to write out pointless essays you can but Reality will NOT change, we will NOT give in to your trolling ways and we WILL save Classic from the same fate that Retail has.

I mean… pretty much spot on.

Or you’re making them up which is more likely considering you support a feature that is pure AFK bait and serves no purpose but to make Classic worse.

Why would I make it up?

I often do things like TW or Duty Roulettes in FFXIV in groups, or queue with people when I do LFR.

So you already have a space for that type of AFK content, it doesn’t belong on Classic it can stay in Retail.

Sure, if you throw out all nuance and have lackluster reading comprehension skills.

I bolded the part you failed to read. I very specifically said "Raids AREN’T THAT MUCH HARDER than dungeons. This is not the same as saying what you accused me of:

I am saying raids ARE more difficult than dungeons, but not by much. Is it possible for you to keep up with my argument in this conversation please? OR are you arguing just to argue?

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I mean, all I’m arguing for is to have Wrath as it was, even if that means no RDF til ICC

Which is still, false, TK Kael is considerably more coordination and personal responsibility than any dungeon, or was, prior to nerfs.

It’s been shown many times here that it tanked Wrath’s sub count when they announced LFD, they can keep it out of the game. No need to repeat past mistakes.

Except no chart shows that

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Except it does, you just choose to ignore raw data.

Ok, can you actually against points that I make instead of fallaciously inventing random points that no one makes? Would give you more credibility.

Not really. It requires just a smidge more coordination than the average dungeon. Kael was incredibly easy. What did you struggle with?

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Here lemme fix that for you.

“Stop trying to remove our ability to gatekeep dungeons.”

Much better

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WoW’s peak sub count was post RDF, easily proveable

I agree. I always make it a point to say hi and try to get conversation going.

So you want to remove my right to pick whose in my party? No thanks, you can keep RDF in Retail.

Wrong, it peaked during ICC and went down after RDF. This is also easily provable, but clearly you don’t care for proof.

Then provide said proof.



How would you know? You told us you never played wrath. I played healers, tanks, and dps in wrath, and BC, and vanilla. I leveled up tons of alts with the rdf. It improved the queue times for all classes.

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