As a Community, we do not want RDF

You sound like you’re not a very social person or got unlucky with being surrounded by anti social people.

I can’t believe you are still feeding these two trolls…

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You can be just as social in RDF as you can without RDF. You want to pick who is in the group because you want to gatekeep and min/max the game to death. Even if you put the group together through LFG Chat everyone is still a faceless stranger. Or you and your friends can group up for dungeons.

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Well, you’re arguing for taking away the best method of guild recruitment.

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I mean, your argument was:

Raids aren’t more difficult than dungeons /shrug

Which is blatantly false, Kael required much more coordination and proper play than Underbog Heroic.


I mean, Kael was literally just, kill phoenix, kill egg, don’t get hit by the magic bubbles and interrupt his casts (optional)

Edit: I just realized which Kael fight you were talking about


TK kael, not MgT kael

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Realized that after I finished the post


I always hate RDF on retail because I end up joining with people who 1) don’t speak english and/or 2) have zero clue what they’re doing.

Blizz understands that this is the case and nerfed everything you can queue in RDF to be such a joke no brain power is required. I mean RDF is less completing a dungeon or raid and more just a chore.

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na id say hello or hows your day going and no one would respond outside of guilds and community’s theres no reason to be social why RDF should be added

RDF removes our right to select people to our party, EVERYONE should have to use LFG chat so we can pick who we want to play with.

That’s a blizzard/wow problem, RDF/LFR does not have to equal braindead content.

It could lead to a braindead team which makes the content that much more difficult, stop trying to remove our ability to pick who we want to play with.

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I mean… no one has done that.

At first it didn’t, but eventually literally no one would make a group outside of it because the dungeons are nerfed to heck if you go through RDF.

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By bringing in RDF you are infringing on our right to pick who we play with, forced social interaction is not REAL social interaction.

The current LFG tool is superior for that reason alone.

This is what I kept telling the trolls here but they won’t admit it, they think it’s a choice instead of something most people are going to do given the option. It belongs on Retail, not Classic.

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Am I doing something illegal by forming groups and queuing for in an LFD system as a full group? Cause i do that all the time.

You’re acting like LFD systems suddenly turn off your ability to queue as more than 1 person.

Here you go:

Hmmm let me fix this for you

I should’ve not responded this because I wanted this to die but after checking on this thread, this has overstayed its welcome…

OP or RDF or Lemonfont I should say, you are NOT a leader figure of the classic community, stop trying to claim you are. We have provided graphs of the sub numbers and you discard them as not evidence, we told you to bring evidence and yet you make an excuse that you cant post pictures because trust level (which you should have the ability do so by now) and hiding behind that excuse because you have evidence of such Wrath of the Lich King being a colossal failure as you seem to make it out to be.

Your reading is your weakness, you keep ignoring my points as to how I have made friends after RDF has been implemented just to show that Social interaction can still be there if you choose to be social. You think toxicity is only exclusive to RDF and RDF but in reality in either be a manually formed group or automated, toxicity can happen, Ninja looting can happen in both aswell which you keep making the same debunked argument every single time.

You say that social interaction is dead when RDF arrived but I have said in my posts EARILER that I have made friends during Legion and BFA… THATS POST RELEASE OF RDF.

Your outted as liar and yet you still keep going, I admire the commitment and your hustle of spouting them for someone that calls himself the leader figure of this community.

Lets stop feeding him.

I must be imagining all the times I group with people to do LFD style things then.