As a Community, we do not want RDF

So you are saying a lack of RDF… creates interactions. I prefer having a reason to exist outside of the instance too.

You can’t say not ever because RDF was in Wrath… which is what Blizzard was trying to recreate. Or are they? I’m sorry, I guess this isn’t a faithful recreation of Wrath of the Lich King.

Sorry. :roll_eyes:


That’s because Blizzard lost their way and cherry pick how they want to force you to play. Then they can’t figure out why retail keeps losing people and now classic will be sure to follow. They are slow learners who cow-tow to the lowest denominator.


What “whole thing”? Where was this revealed?

The game is trash without RDF and everybody knows it.


Every graph i;ve seen shows that Wrath lost subscribers after RDF released, it was one of the most damaging features to WoW.

this clown post all week long not playing wow but playing a troll

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I can’t exactly remember where, I feel like it was in a Dev interview with Danser, I can google real quick and get back. It was a little buried, I just remember there was a big thing about it

They are upset now over how many moments it takes to find a tank, just wait to see how upset they are when the tank needs to take a piss and isnt mass pulling instances in the perfect line for optimal xp.

Theres a reason they had to give more incentives to tanks, its because the tanks had to deal with all the addicts BS.

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I’d be fine with the new tool if the new tool included folks from other realms. It’s just hard to find tanks for lower level dungeons

(And I have a level 70 prot warrior, so I know how hard it is before Outlands where DKs come in)

Can I get a link to one of these said graphs?

You can use 2 ` (next to the 1) either side to stop links just so I can copy/paste

Like this


Speak for yourself. If you dont like it, dont use it. Simple.


It takes a lot of gall to presume to speak for someone. Bye?


They can’t link you to that graph. Because there are no graphs showing WoW losing subscribers after RDF. It shows WoW maintaining and even growing a little over the year after RDF was added and only crashing well into Cata when people realized Cata sucked.

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This graph I bet.


your voice is represented at the moment you give them money, and the moment you stop giving them money.

The in-between zone is gray because you’re swimming with the millions of other voices and suggestions. Talk is cheap until your money proves the point.

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That’s convenient.

Please do, I’ll wait right here for it.

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you dont want RDF, i do want it, matter of fact, the hard part about leveling is not having RDF for old content, not a single run of stockades on horde side happen since there is no RDF.

the system we have now is the same as before, there is no interaction there is just ppl wasting valuable time running into the instance just because it will make the world smaller… i play on a PVE server because this time i didnt want to deal with lol world pvp. i could care less if i see other ppl around me or not, matter of fact i dont want to be on a populated server when it comes to questing or farming, i just want a lot of ppl to raid with or pvp with, other than that i want to be alone in the server.

quit thinking everyone thinks as you do, a game SHOULD NOT punish the user, working hard for things isnt good, quit acting as its.


Oh, another troll back from his forum suspension. How long was it for this time, 7 days?


Posting links doesnt work for my acocunt, not high enough trust level. Just go google it, plenty of sources.

I mean it got removed so yes I am speaking for the silent majority who don’t want it, it will NEVER be put back in and that’s for the best.

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